CrossFit Gymnastics WOD You Can Run in Your Gym

CrossFit Gymnastics WOD You Can Run in Your Gym

CrossFit Gymnastics WOD You Can Run in Your Gym Crossfit is highly reliant on mobility and gymnastics. Although gymnastic practice requires intensive training and development often takes longer than anticipated, it should be an essential component of every cross-fitters daily routine. When combined with strength and force, gymnastic talents will allow you to push into new territories and conquer even the most difficult workout of the day (WOD).

Body-weight activities like air squats, pull-ups, and push-ups are considered gymnastics in CrossFit. When done correctly, CrossFit gymnastics exercises will affect every element of your life and significantly affect your fitness.

Moreover, CrossFit gymnastics WODs are continually changing and executed at a high level of intensity. As a result, they are suitable for usage in a challenge format since you can readily change them to varying fitness levels and time constraints.

Continue reading to discover the best CrossFit gymnastics WOD you can do in your gym.

6 CrossFit Gymnastics WOD

CrossFit Gymnastics is a two-day training that teaches coaches and athletes about gymnastics movement while improving efficiency and coordination. This training will enhance your technique and performance regardless of your ability level (basic, moderate, or advanced). Check out these CrossFit gymnastics WODs.

💡 Did you know?
CrossFit is the largest fitness chain in the world.

  1. Handstand Push Up

20 min as many rounds as possible

  • Handstand push-ups in 5 minutes
  • Alternating pistols in 10 minutes
  • Pull-ups in 5 minutes

Handstand push-ups appear in many exercises. Despite their intimidating aspect, they are an excellent exercise for developing exceptional upper body and core strength, power, coordination, and agility.

  1. Bar Muscle Up and Toes-to-Bar

25 min as many rounds as possible

  • Muscle-ups in 7 minutes
  • Thrusters (155/105 lb) in 8 minutes
  • Toes-to-bar in 10 minutes

  1. Mary

20 min as many rounds as possible

  • Handstand push-ups in 5 minutes
  • Pistols (alternating legs) in 10 minutes
  • Pull-ups in 5 minutes

This is a classic among AMRAP CrossFit gymnastics workouts.

A pull-up is one of the most fundamental gymnastics workouts. They serve as the foundation for actions. CrossFitters should do muscle ups with kipping variants.

Also, it is a motor talent to pull your body up. And, to acquire a motor skill, you must practice it often.

  1. AMRAP Gymnastics CrossFit Workout

10 Minute (Alternating Movements)

  • 100ft Handstand Walk
  • 2 Pegboard

Rest for 5 minutes

10 Minute Alternating Movements

  • 7-5-3 Pull Up/Chest-To-Bar/Bar Muscle-up
  • 50 Double Unders

Rest for 5 minutes

10 Minute Alternating Movements

  • 20 GHD
  • 30 Push Ups

  1. Regionals 9.3

20 min AMRAP

  • 250m Row
  • 10 Burpees (8-foot target)
  • 10 Ring Dips (shoulder below elbow)

Because this is a Regionals exercise, feel free to scale it accordingly.

  1. Ring Handstand Push Ups


  • 4 Ring Handstand Push-Ups
  • 10 Air Squats

Ring handstand push-ups are one of CrossFit’s most complex gymnastic movements. Because you’re exercising on a moving, unstable surface, this gymnastics action demands a strong and sturdy core to keep you steady throughout the whole range of motion.

Core strength workouts

Gymnastics requires core strength for stability, flexibility, and balance. Individuals need a solid core to arrange their bodies in various postures while maintaining muscular tension. They may strengthen their strength for explosive movements by training their core. Core strength workouts that work:

Scissor Kicks

Scissor kicks do more than strengthen your core. This isometric workout means continually tensing your core as your lower extremities move. Isometric workouts are also excellent for increasing endurance. You’ll enjoy this one since you can feel the burn after only a few seconds.

To do this:

  • Start on your back, with legs outstretched and hands alongside your torso.
  • Raise your upper body and legs off the ground at the same time. Throughout the workout, your arms will remain at your sides. Consider making the form of a boat.
  • Hold this posture and start the “cutting” action with your straight legs, crossed one over the other but keeping your knees straight throughout the exercise. The action might be modest and rapid, with one leg alternating.


Bicycles are highly underutilized when it comes to ab workouts. Because of the modest rotational element, it will also target the obliques.

To do this:

  • Start on your back, hands behind your head.
  • Raise one knee toward your chest while reaching the other elbow toward the same knee.
  • Switch to the other side after connecting your opposing knee to your opposite elbow.
  • Continue changing sides like you would while riding a bicycle.


V-ups aren’t simple to accomplish, but they get the work completed. This workout requires both your lower and upper body to work. You can’t beat a two-in-one workout that allows you to work out multiple different muscles simultaneously.

To do this:

  • Start on your back, with your legs and arms over your head.
  • Bring both your straight legs and your upper body toward the ceiling at the same time. Try reaching for your toes as your body comes together. Consider the letter “v” as you form that shape with your body.

Gymnastics required fundamental abilities

Gymnasts must have the following fundamental abilities:

  • Core strength
  • Lower and upper-body strength
  • Mental focus
  • Dedication
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Power
  • Discipline

Although not strictly a talent, dedication is required and is often evaluated by gymnastic instructors. You may teach basic abilities, and a trainer trains the majority. You may also master all talents with good technique and a determined mindset. The technique is the cornerstone for increasing skill level and being effective with all functional actions.

Crossfit Gymnastics workout to help you improve your skills

Body-weight workouts like air squats and push-ups are considered CrossFit gymnastics, as are high-skill activities such as handstand walks and ring muscle ups.

Additionally, gymnastics exercises are common in CrossFit and may be included in practically every session. You will improve your other components of CrossFit by increasing your gymnastics abilities since gymnastics is an essential component of the sport, and a strong foundation will aid in optimizing proficiency in the other areas.

Try these workouts to enhance your gymnastics abilities and become a better athlete.

Hollow Body Position

The hollow body posture (together with the arch position) determines gymnasts’ midline strength and serves as the foundation for solid gymnastics movement. The arch is less technical than the hollow, yet it stimulates tissue all over the body. Their goal is to generate as much tension as possible to gain power.

Inversions – Wall Walk

Improve your core and shoulder stability, physical endurance, body control, and consciousness.

Maintain active shoulders as you begin to ascend the wall, and maintain your body hollow. It would help if you got the sensation of pushing the earth away from you.

Keep your knees together and come as near the wall as possible, ideally with your nose brushing the wall when you reach the highest position. Then, in a controlled way, walk back out, keeping the core tight – this is what will assist in increasing strength.

Ring Support

Ring work can help you improve shoulder, core, and endurance strength. Hold onto the rings and support your weight in a regulated way for the ring support.

Ensure your wrists are precisely above the rings (as opposed to flexing to the sides). Maintain a great hollow body posture by keeping your shoulders active and as far away from your ears as feasible.

The more steady you are, the more sturdy the rings will feel and the more benefits you will get from this workout.

Grip – Hangs

The grip is significantly more vital than many people believe, and developing a firm grip is crucial. The strongest biceps and lats are useless if you can’t hold onto the bar or rings.

Hanging from the bar or rings and lifting items can help increase grip strength.

Aim for at least 45 seconds of hanging from the bar and gradually extend the duration. A dead or active hang may be performed, with the sole difference being active shoulders and core on the second.

Half Pull-ups

Half pull-ups can help you gain the muscles required to complete pull-ups with proper technique (and then move on to muscle ups or handstand push-ups). To do this activity, begin with a pull-up and, keeping your core engaged and your body in a hollow posture, pull yourself halfway up until your arms are at a 90-degree angle.

Move to the peak of the pull-up and reduce yourself to halfway after a few repetitions. Again, ensure your body is in a hollow stance and the movement is controlled.

Ring In and Out

In a push-up posture, with your hands on the rings and your feet on the ground, stretch one arm straight out until the elbow is fully extended, then bring it back in. Single arm extensions are another name for them. To scale this gymnastics exercise, move your feet closer to the hanging rings, which will help to relieve part of your weight.

As a result, we’ve seen the top six CrossFit gymnastics WODs you can do in your gym. Participating in easy CrossFit routines may strengthen your core in strength, endurance, and power.

Power-packed exercises and endurance build the foundation for you to perform effectively in sporting events or athletic showpieces such as the Olympics. If you want CrossFit gym management, use the best gymnastics WOD!

A study indicated that CrossFit workouts are riskier than traditional weightlifting due to the intensity of the sessions, which can lead to technical form breakdown, loss of control, and injury.

If you need a CrossFit gym management software, use the SparkMembership which #1 gym management software, price starts at $1!

The Fitness Shift That Should Worry Every Gym Owner

The Fitness Shift That Should Worry Every Gym Owner

It’s challenging to maintain a regular workout program. There are many possible obstacles, including time constraints and working schedules, that lead to the fitness shift that should worry every gym owner. What was once considered “pleasant to have” is now a standard fitness service offered all around the globe. What else, however, has altered since last year?

Among the most critical adjustments made due to the epidemic is redefining how we operate. Our free time has undoubtedly been impacted by this change in working habits, which involves working from home or other places and enjoying more flexibility concerning working times. What can you do as a gym owner to increase member participation and draw in new customers? Let’s look at how the outbreak influenced the fitness sector first.

How has the pandemic affected the fitness industry

There was a tremendous influence on enterprises, particularly the fitness shift that should worry every gym owner. This is due to COVID-19 pandemic, which swept the globe over the previous two years. Many fitness service businesses have encountered difficulties and losses due to societal limitations and rigorous health guidelines.

Brick-and-mortar gyms were among the industries severely damaged by COVID-19’s beginning. As high-touch establishments, fitness centers, and clubs were among the first to be shut down in the United States due to the concern of coronavirus transmission. Even though the long-term effects are unknown, the short-term implications are sure to have been devastating to many. Included in this are the following:

  • Fitness studio owners, instructors, and other support workers face a severe labor shortage.
  • For business owners, it was a challenge to pay off bank loans, rent, utility bills, and staff wages.
  • Since many boutique gyms operate on razor-thin profit margins, the pandemic jeopardized their survival. 
  • Some portions of the brick-and-mortar clubs that make up a large portion of the US fitness industry, projected to be valued at close to $100 billion, are in decline.

Will the fitness industry bounce back

Many individuals and companies have been through hard times financially and emotionally. Of course, the fitness shift that should worry every gym owner has been one of the difficulties to deal with. 

Furthermore, the importance of exercise and health has never been greater, and the fitness sector has the potential to become even better in the following months. So, how will the fitness industry bounce back?

It is estimated that there are over 201,000 fitness clubs around the world.

Source: Statista

Considering technology

Digital technology is the most incredible way to remain current or at least afloat. Electronic accessibility or ‘exercise from home’ helped gyms and companies to maintain their constancy as ‘work from home’ has emerged as the new standard for any other institution. 

Online technology or becoming digital is unquestionably far more frightening for smaller companies with little or no resources. Yet, Omnify’s ‘Zoom Interface’ has enabled the scheduling of live courses, enabling gyms and studios to broadcast their offers live. Thousands of significant and small fitness companies have joined this integration.

Rise of online fitness sessions

The fitness industry’s pulse is being kept alive through online workouts. Motivation and inhibition thresholds are kept low by the option of being digitally linked and online while training is taking place. You may use digital products to reach this demographic in a studio atmosphere while providing a contrasting experience from home exercises.

Gym owners may use online learning to provide solutions for those who want to keep up their exercise routines, harness technology to relieve some of their responsibilities and implement better courses that are more suited to keeping customers engaged.

To sum it up, the demand for high-quality sessions that combine strength training with group exercise will soar. Instructors who are well-versed in the subject matter and can motivate and inspire their students will be more crucial than ever. There is a significant distinction between online fitness sessions and technology-based activities.

How can gym owners remain profitable

You may still make money even if your gym is not authorized to reopen because of current health issues or because your company is situated in a state that has not yet allowed gyms to operate.

Online tutoring is cheap. You don’t pay a coach a hefty hourly charge (plus club overhead), thus you can obtain better training for less money. Instead of weekly hour-long gym sessions, online trainers can provide superior continuing support.

Let’s stop talking about the fitness shift that should worry every gym owner. Here are the four easy and cost-effective choices to restart their facilities:

Offer fitness exercise outdoors

Provide ample space for participants to develop social distance by holding fitness courses outdoors. If having lessons in a physical place isn’t practical, but your participants still want the responsibility and drive that comes with an in-person setting, consider moving your sessions outdoors.

Several group exercise trainers have teamed up with other company owners in places where the shutdown of fitness facilities is still in place so that outdoor exercise is available. 

Making the switch to online classes

Your customers will be able to attend your workout courses through virtual means. When the colder months arrive, you may have to move your sessions inside if they were previously held outdoors. That’s where online lessons come in handy in this situation.

However, if your firm lacks the brand recognition of these major corporations, Zoom and social networking sites like Instagram and Facebook Live allow you to monetize your exercise programs and resources online.

Focus on individual customers

If you can’t still have numerous people in the gym at once, consider shifting your company strategy to concentrate more on one-on-one customers. You should move as many participants as possible to one-on-one individual training sessions during this period. To generate the same amount of money from 1-on-1 meetings as you do through subscriptions requires more work. Still, it’s a great way to use your space safely while attracting new customers and keeping old ones interested.

Develop web-based programs

Make digital programs accessible to both customers and people outside the organization in addition to virtual courses and one-on-one sessions. Get feedback from members about their most significant challenges in remaining healthy during a pandemic. The most prevalent issue will be a great starting point for a fitness program.

When it comes to creating a program, it’s possible that you already have all the information you need to get started. With the help of the Online Trainer’s launch guide, you can get your program off the ground.


The fitness industry is one of the sectors most impacted by the epidemic. While a few areas still prohibit gyms from operating, the majority of the country permits them to do so as long as they adhere to safety regulations and have a reasonable indoor capacity. The gyms featured have not gone outdated despite the safety measures forcing the fitness shift that should worry every gym owner.

Yes, this is a demanding and challenging period for owners of gyms. Does this imply that you won’t succeed, advance, or attract new customers? Absolutely not. The advice above can help you change your company strategy and demonstrate customer support. The opportunity to grow your offerings and reach new consumers makes this a potentially exciting experience.

If you want to grow the members of your gym, Spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

How to Get New Students for Your Martial Arts School

How to Get New Students for Your Martial Arts School

As a martial artists, we are very proud people and one of the things we are very proud of is the training that we have – the martial art that we teach and our very own style. 

This is the core reason why we do what we’re doing because of the guidance, influence, and teaching.

But if your school is running for years and you’re still struggling to double the number of your students, maybe it’s time to look in the mirror and humble ourselves. 

If you’re still currently hovering over your existing students it means there’s something wrong on your floor. It’s time to re-assess how are your classes, your level of energy, enthusiasm, your presence, and the way how you teach.

Or take a good look at your own curriculum – is your curriculum designed to progress your students or is your curriculum too hard? Perhaps, you have not designed your curriculum in the mind of your students. Or how practical your curriculum is, practicality in the sense that when a parent watches your class they can relate to it. 

You have to teach a dynamic, charismatic, fun, and exciting class. 

You are only good as your last class because if your students are not progressing and if they don’t feel that they are not getting what they have signed up for or they get to the point that has stopped progressing then that’s time for you to take a look at it and make some core changes. 

As a martial arts instructor, at the end of the day, you have to fix your floor and must be constantly evolving. 

Read one of our blogs: How Technology Is Changing The Fitness Industry Today

Do you want to increase the number of your students? What are you waiting for!? Try Spark Membership now!

Larry Kooyman Shares Insights on How He Uses SPARK MEMBERSHIP To Thrive


Meet Larry; he owns two schools in Middle Tennessee. He has been with SPARK Membership for years and exclaimed that it had been a game-changer for his business. It has allowed them to maximize their effect and gives their staff a tool that they need to be able to serve their students, and the most crucial part SPARK has allowed them to know the 10,000-foot view of the schools so they can do strategic planning for the future. 

Larry shared a piece of advice that every school owner should do, and it is to keep track of their stats and SPARK software dashboard has been extremely helpful for him to give an overview of the current statistics of the business.

Some of the beneficial features for their school are trial maximizers and new student maximizers that also allow them to see who gives them low ratings on the classes so they can reach out and discover what will make this student enjoy classes. 

As a CEO, the features that he still relies on SPARK are the automation that he heavily relies on to which now his staff is now focusing on exploring the lead and trial maximizers features, and it allows the staff to be on the floor be making a difference in their teaching. 

Larry encourages all of the school owners who are currently using SPARK to utilize all of the features, take one aspect of it and continuously improve on it and you have a handle on that. Go back and do something else that will keep you getting better and better. 

This is the last piece of advice that Larry shared for school owners: to go back and look at the training and learn. Think about the time you will save by using SPARK and think about how you can turn that time into something bigger that will better impact your community, student, and your family. 

Read one of our blogs: How To Open A Crossfit Gym – Everything You Need To Know To Start

Want to experience the features of SPARK Membership software?

Top Martial Arts School Owners David Max Share How He Uses Spark

Meet David Max; he has been successful in the martial arts school business and teaching martial arts. He is also dedicated to teaching dads and husbands to become better men so they can lead their families better, which led him to create a free Facebook group for men. 

David shared his gratitude towards the founder, Master Cheong Park, and Master Ron Sell for giving so much free value.

One of the key ingredients towards his success is to always be reminded of their core values of why they opened Metro Jiu-Jitsu and why they exist. 

David’s Martial arts school has a high number of quality students with high-quality programs because of their passion for bringing impact to the community.

The role of SPARK Membership towards the success of their school. Automation has given them the ease that they don’t need to chase down people for their payments and the most important part is that they can still spend time with their family. For him, the automation features are obnoxiously powerful. 

However, he emphasized that not everything should be automated. As a school owner, it’s still important to establish a relationship with your students and even those who decided not to continue with the program. 

His advice to school owners is that it’s worth your time to spend 10 hours or more learning the system and understanding how it works because then you’ll discover how powerful it can be for the business side of your school and will help you save more time. 

David shared the specific keys they pay attention to SPARK Membership on a day-to-day basis: the reviews from the student’s previous classes lead trial maximizer has also been helpful for them. He can also get a glance in the dashboard at how many cancellations they get, how much revenue they get in every month that will give help them brainstorm on how to improve and make it better. 

He also commends the support team of SPARK for how responsive, helpful and personable they are and for doing the follow-up to ensure that the problem has been solved. 

Do you want to explore more features of what SPARK Membership software offers? 

Read one of our blogs: How Many Members Does A Gym Need To Be Successful

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

How Robert Butturini Enrolled Over 100 Members in March


Martial arts have transformed many people: kids not being bullied anymore, kids that were full of themselves and were disrespectful became humble and respectful, and adults that are stressed walked out of the studio being fit and distressed.

I want you to meet Robert Butturini, based in Tennessee. He was able to enroll 100 new members in his martial arts school just for a single month. He shared that he can double his income ever since he joined Spark Membership. 

He shared in his interview with Master Ron Sell that he honored his success with his staff. 

Just like any other martial arts school they also after school camps membership, summer camps are one of the biggest contributions that brought this increase in numbers, with these programs saved him and his staff from the pandemic.

COVID-19 didn’t stop him from thriving in his business, as a matter of fact, he added new programs. He did multiple things and revenue streams to reach this number. 

Even prior to COVID, they were heavily involved in the community especially sponsoring schools just to bring in students. 

One of the things that are really instrumental towards his success and the massive result is the mindset shift – getting involved and getting back to the community and just by coming from a place of wanting to help.

Being a giver first and your efforts will multiply – doing it for the right reason and having a good product is going to sell itself without the paid marketing efforts. 

Robert also shared what a good martial arts product would look like. For him, it’s about his instructors who treat the students well and care for them – the way his instructor nurtures their students are reflected in their teaching—additionally, the cleanliness of the facility and the staff.

Lastly, he shared how SPARK Membership helps his business thrive by helping him and his staff save many hours by generating all of the invoices and putting them all together. What he also loves about SPARK is that it’s constantly evolving. The software is easy enough for the staff to navigate in day-to-day operations. Especially on holiday, they don’t need to worry about working on a lot in the backend because SPARK automates and does it for them. 

I hope Robert’s story gives us the awareness to elevate our own mindset, and if you have no extra time to do the work, want to have more time with your family, want to organize your business, and want everything to be easy – that’s what SPARK software is for. 

Read one of our blogs: 20 Yoga Challenges You Can Run in Your Studio

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

The Importance of Having Standard Operating Procedures


It is an acronym for “Standardized Operating Procedures.”

Standard Operating Procedures, aka “business systems,” were responsible for the rapid opening of 200 locations in the 1970s in only a few years.

When you create SOPs, you take something complicated and break them up into step-by-step tasks almost anyone can follow and consistently succeed.

It’s one of the reasons Spark Membership Software is so helpful because it, too, is based on successful martial arts business systems.

An enrollment conference is an excellent example of an SOP. It’s something you can systematize. And it’s wise to organize to create highly trained staff members who consistently produce results.

You can systematize everything by writing down the steps.

Creating SOPs (business systems) is pretty straightforward. They are just checklists of what to do for a specific task.

Here are some simple tasks you can systematize:

  • Your marketing
  • Your events
  • Your class structure
  • Your communication
  • Your sales process
  • The way you greet your members
  • Your rank testings

Write down the outline. Then practice it for a while and notice what needs to be tweaked, what needs to be eliminated, and what works great.

Then you monitor your results and adjust.

You deserve success. You impact lives.

Read one of our blogs: How To Get More CrossFit Members

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

Summer Retention Strategies

Make your summer grow and thrive. We understand the pain that some school owners have been through knowing half of their students left and go on vacation and the other half are lazy and want to do other things. Do these strategies so you can’t have a poor summer cash flow.

  1. Change your curriculum

Do a theme week where you can announce in advance to get the excitement going, and they have something to look forward to. 

  1. Every time they get to class and participate at a high level, you’ll give them a ticket

It will increase retention that will make them show up more in classes and execute their best in the class. It’s also a reminder for them that they are doing something positive. 

  1. Utilizing software such as Spark Membership

Spark membership has a feature where you can promote your summer activity in the student app that can save you a lot of time and put in automation.

  1. Offer upgrades before summer camps

Other than that, you can also offer an upgrade to your students before the summer camp – if they upgrade to a high-level program, they’ll get a free camp.

Many schools have generated more income during summer because they’ve made the switch. If you add 3 to 4 one-week camps, you will get extra revenue from that. Every school reaches out to students in their community, so as a martial arts instructor and a school owner, you’re helping them change their lives. We have to create a better experience for them and, at the same time, embrace innovation.

Read one of our blogs: How to Start a Fitness Brand

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

BJJ Strength and Conditioning Program You Can Run at Your Local Gym

BJJ Strength and Conditioning Program You Can Run at Your Local Gym

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu rose to popularity for being one of the most effective ground-control disciplines in the modern world. Although it is emphasized that technique is much more important than size, it is always important to have as many advantages as possible against a potential aggressor. Combining your training regimen with strength training will give you the upper hand in situations where it would otherwise be more dangerous.

Strength training will also condition your body further to endure not only your current training but will assist you in your performance as you climb through the ranks. In this article, we will talk about the certain benefits of strength training, how often you should train in this way, and ultimately, an effective training regimen for our BJJ school.

How Often Should I Conduct Strength Training

How Often Should I Conduct Strength Training

An article posted on has conducted a study on just this very question. Although it is largely dependent on every person’s ideal goal and weight, the most common answer seems to be: twice a week. It is important to remember that the BJJ discipline focuses on submissions, holds, chokes, and pressure points, and that overall strength training is not as important in BJJ as it is in other disciplines, which utilize major muscle groups to overpower the opponent.

With this being said, it is, of course, extremely beneficial to be in shape and as strong as possible and will give you the edge over an opponent that is of the same skill, or slightly better, than you. Using various compound lifts as a benchmark, a study was done on Elite vs Non-Elite practitioners to determine if having a stronger physique gave a significant competitive advantage. Overall, performing compound lifts at 1.2-1.7kg x your bodyweight (kg) is enough to achieve maximum benefit from a BJJ strength and conditioning program.

Strength Training for BJJ Fighter

Strength Training for BJJ Fighter

Now that we’ve spoken about the benefits of strength training in BJJ, combined with the cadence of a workout, it is important to establish a regular BJJ strength and conditioning program to offer at your local gym for those that are looking to meet the physique standards compared with their bodyweight. This can be difficult to conduct logistically, especially if you are offering it as a service outside of training your students.

A great alternative to employing a standardized training program is dedicated BJJ management software that will coordinate your scheduling, payments, marketing, staff, and other inquiries received for the program, and your gym as a whole Spark Membership is the #1 solution of its kind that is on the market. Try it now for just $1.

You might be interested in How To Optimize Attendance In Your Kids Jiu Jitsu Class

  1. Compound lifts

Compound lifts

The most tried and true lifts that are incorporated into any training program are compound lifts. Even on an international basis, strength standards include statistics that have to do with squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Other exercises, such as cleaning & jerks, overhead press, and rows can also be included in this training program. Compound lifts are extremely important, as the word “Compound” refers to many muscles of your body working together. As long as you combine 3-5 exercises in sets, all muscle groups can be targeted and achieve a full-body workout every few days.

  1. Vertical jump

Vertical jump

When a fight goes to the ground, it is often a battle of submission. Here is where training, technique, and certain pressure points are used to render the opponent unable to fight. Before the confrontation ends on the ground, the BJJ practitioner can gain the upper hand with sweeps, throws, and other agility-based moves that will give them a favorable position prior to ending up on the ground. Is of key importance is the vertical jump, which has numerous benefits when performing explosive moves. Exercises, such as the jump squat, vertical jump, and landmine rotation will help in this development.

  1. Lifts that focus on the lower back

Lifts that focus on the lower back

With some practitioners favoring the guard pass position, these fighters should be training their lower back as much as possible to be able to control the fight from the ground position. Although compound lifts are often enough for entry-level fighters, elite fighters that frequently “pass” fight should focus on targeting their lower back with such exercises as Barbell Row, Romanian Deadlift, and Medicine Ball Thrusts.

  1. Grip strength

Grip strength

Unlike other disciplines, grip strength is of chief importance for the BJJ fighter. This not only helps with the manipulation of your opponent’s limbs to place them in a difficult position, but it is a rare occasion that your opponent does not have any clothes. Many chokes, holds and submissions depend on being able to grapple your opponent’s belt, shirt, pants, and other accessories and clothing to get the upper hand. As such, training your grip strength through Clamp training, EZ bar curls, Rope Pulls, and Sandbag Carry have proven effective.

BJJ Strength and Conditioning Program You Can Run at Your Local Gym

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu rose to popularity for being one of the most effective ground-control disciplines in the modern world. Although it is emphasized that technique is much more important than size, it is always important to have as many advantages as possible against a potential aggressor. Combining your training regimen with strength training will give you the upper hand in situations where it would otherwise be more dangerous.

Strength training will also condition your body further to endure not only your current training but will assist you in your performance as you climb through the ranks. In this article, we will talk about the certain benefits of strength training, how often you should train in this way, and ultimately, an effective training regimen for our BJJ school.

How Often Should I Conduct Strength Training

How Often Should I Conduct Strength Training

An article posted on has conducted a study on just this very question. Although it is largely dependent on every person’s ideal goal and weight, the most common answer seems to be: twice a week. It is important to remember that the BJJ discipline focuses on submissions, holds, chokes, and pressure points, and that overall strength training is not as important in BJJ as it is in other disciplines, which utilize major muscle groups to overpower the opponent.

With this being said, it is, of course, extremely beneficial to be in shape and as strong as possible and will give you the edge over an opponent that is of the same skill, or slightly better, than you. Using various compound lifts as a benchmark, a study was done on Elite vs Non-Elite practitioners to determine if having a stronger physique gave a significant competitive advantage. Overall, performing compound lifts at 1.2-1.7kg x your bodyweight (kg) is enough to achieve maximum benefit from a BJJ strength and conditioning program.

Strength Training for BJJ Fighter

Strength Training for BJJ Fighter

Now that we’ve spoken about the benefits of strength training in BJJ, combined with the cadence of a workout, it is important to establish a regular BJJ strength and conditioning program to offer at your local gym for those that are looking to meet the physique standards compared with their bodyweight. This can be difficult to conduct logistically, especially if you are offering it as a service outside of training your students.

A great alternative to employing a standardized training program is dedicated BJJ management software that will coordinate your scheduling, payments, marketing, staff, and other inquiries received for the program, and your gym as a whole Spark Membership is the #1 solution of its kind that is on the market. Try it now for just $1.

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  1. Compound lifts

Compound lifts

The most tried and true lifts that are incorporated into any training program are compound lifts. Even on an international basis, strength standards include statistics that have to do with squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Other exercises, such as cleaning & jerks, overhead press, and rows can also be included in this training program. Compound lifts are extremely important, as the word “Compound” refers to many muscles of your body working together. As long as you combine 3-5 exercises in sets, all muscle groups can be targeted and achieve a full-body workout every few days.

  1. Vertical jump

Vertical jump

When a fight goes to the ground, it is often a battle of submission. Here is where training, technique, and certain pressure points are used to render the opponent unable to fight. Before the confrontation ends on the ground, the BJJ practitioner can gain the upper hand with sweeps, throws, and other agility-based moves that will give them a favorable position prior to ending up on the ground. Is of key importance is the vertical jump, which has numerous benefits when performing explosive moves. Exercises, such as the jump squat, vertical jump, and landmine rotation will help in this development.

  1. Lifts that focus on the lower back

Lifts that focus on the lower back

With some practitioners favoring the guard pass position, these fighters should be training their lower back as much as possible to be able to control the fight from the ground position. Although compound lifts are often enough for entry-level fighters, elite fighters that frequently “pass” fight should focus on targeting their lower back with such exercises as Barbell Row, Romanian Deadlift, and Medicine Ball Thrusts.

  1. Grip strength

Grip strength

Unlike other disciplines, grip strength is of chief importance for the BJJ fighter. This not only helps with the manipulation of your opponent’s limbs to place them in a difficult position, but it is a rare occasion that your opponent does not have any clothes. Many chokes, holds and submissions depend on being able to grapple your opponent’s belt, shirt, pants, and other accessories and clothing to get the upper hand. As such, training your grip strength through Clamp training, EZ bar curls, Rope Pulls, and Sandbag Carry have proven effective.

Guide To Martial Arts Billing: Top Tips For The Gym Owner

The Best Features That Every Martial Arts Billing System Should Have

One of the biggest challenges when starting your business is figuring out the logistics of payment. After setting up the business and getting ready to receive members and clients through your efforts, billing becomes an important factor. After all, the basic definition of a business is a service provided, a paying customer, and a place to transact. Your clients will want to pay in several different ways, and you must be ready to accept this payment if you’d like to run a successful business. In this article, we will explore the most common mistakes and issues that can occur during the setup of your billing process, and ultimately, the solution.

Martial Arts Billing: Common Obstacles

Although most businesses will have to put in the effort to find a great payment solution, some are unique just to the martial arts space. Below are some common challenges the gym owner faces with transacting and setup:

  1. Building a payment infrastructure that doesn’t scale with the business

Building a payment infrastructure that doesn't scale with the business

Martial arts schools are subscription-based services, with few people electing to pay lump sum yearly payments. This means that the payment solution needs to scale with your member base, be fast to receive payment, and must ensure the proper information is inputted to remain compliant for both you and the client. As you grow, a certain tiered solution should be available to the client, and great billing solution software can make this process easier.

  1. Loss of revenue from overdue invoices

Loss of revenue from overdue invoices

It is one thing entirely when an irate customer refuses to pay, but more commonly, unpaid invoices are unintended by the client. Common issues include credit card declines, incorrect information, or forgetful clients. The best solution is a system that sends out reminder notices, incorporates backup payments, and a process called dunning, which re-tries the payment system and sends further notice to the client if payment is unsuccessful.

  1. Lack of scrutinizing data to maximize revenues

Lack of scrutinizing data to maximize revenues

Especially in the beginning stages, the importance of having a regular cadence of the invoice metrics is often overlooked. Some chief metrics, such as growth efficiency, churn, profit margins, and retention rates are great insights into developing your business. It helps to answer questions such as: am I profitable? Which service brings in the most money? How is my growth this quarter? Are the free trials and promotions effective? Answering these questions can be extremely difficult with an in-house solution.

  1. Changes in complexity and error

Changes in complexity and error

When onboarding your first few clients on a basic package, it can be difficult to ascertain why a complete solution is needed. The issues come with the continued growth in your business, and more importantly, the tiered plans and unique customer situations that can arise. There is no blanket solution to this. A payment system must not only be flexible but also provide opportunities for further business. Key features, such as consolidation, transparent charge information, and invoice branding are overlooked, but provide a great opportunity to both get paid and advertise your business.

  1. No automation or integration

No automation or integration

A traditional or in-house billing solution usually only focuses on the finances. While this may seem like a very simple and straightforward thing, an invoice is rarely just about money. Gym owners wear different hats, and require different, even specialized teams, to run their school(s). For example, sales teams must have access to invoices to review upsells, discounts, and referral packages. Customer services need this information as well to adjust for errors. Automation also upgrades your professional image, as customers are more likely to transact in a place of authority where they feel safe.

The Best Features That Every Martial Arts Billing System Should Have

Now that the obstacles have been discussed, let’s take a look at what a great Martial arts billing system should include. This list is not exhaustive.

  • Compatibility and growth with your business
  • Secure transaction spaces
  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Tracks revenue and expenses, and provides an effective data management screen
  • Provide feedback on trials and promotions
  • provides metrics and on-demand reports to help with filing and review
  • Market your business with brand invoicing
  • automation, integration, and analytics

With the above in mind, the billing system should also not be separate from your business. A proper member management software has these billing features included, but also keeps track of your sales, contact, scheduling, staff, and overall management of your school. Spark Membership provides full-service member and school management software that includes all these features and is the best on the market for being a one-stop solution. You can give it a try today for just 1$.