Top Martial Arts School Owners David Max Share How He Uses Spark

Meet David Max; he has been successful in the martial arts school business and teaching martial arts. He is also dedicated to teaching dads and husbands to become better men so they can lead their families better, which led him to create a free Facebook group for men. 

David shared his gratitude towards the founder, Master Cheong Park, and Master Ron Sell for giving so much free value.

One of the key ingredients towards his success is to always be reminded of their core values of why they opened Metro Jiu-Jitsu and why they exist. 

David’s Martial arts school has a high number of quality students with high-quality programs because of their passion for bringing impact to the community.

The role of SPARK Membership towards the success of their school. Automation has given them the ease that they don’t need to chase down people for their payments and the most important part is that they can still spend time with their family. For him, the automation features are obnoxiously powerful. 

However, he emphasized that not everything should be automated. As a school owner, it’s still important to establish a relationship with your students and even those who decided not to continue with the program. 

His advice to school owners is that it’s worth your time to spend 10 hours or more learning the system and understanding how it works because then you’ll discover how powerful it can be for the business side of your school and will help you save more time. 

David shared the specific keys they pay attention to SPARK Membership on a day-to-day basis: the reviews from the student’s previous classes lead trial maximizer has also been helpful for them. He can also get a glance in the dashboard at how many cancellations they get, how much revenue they get in every month that will give help them brainstorm on how to improve and make it better. 

He also commends the support team of SPARK for how responsive, helpful and personable they are and for doing the follow-up to ensure that the problem has been solved. 

Do you want to explore more features of what SPARK Membership software offers? 

Read one of our blogs: How Many Members Does A Gym Need To Be Successful

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

How Robert Butturini Enrolled Over 100 Members in March


Martial arts have transformed many people: kids not being bullied anymore, kids that were full of themselves and were disrespectful became humble and respectful, and adults that are stressed walked out of the studio being fit and distressed.

I want you to meet Robert Butturini, based in Tennessee. He was able to enroll 100 new members in his martial arts school just for a single month. He shared that he can double his income ever since he joined Spark Membership. 

He shared in his interview with Master Ron Sell that he honored his success with his staff. 

Just like any other martial arts school they also after school camps membership, summer camps are one of the biggest contributions that brought this increase in numbers, with these programs saved him and his staff from the pandemic.

COVID-19 didn’t stop him from thriving in his business, as a matter of fact, he added new programs. He did multiple things and revenue streams to reach this number. 

Even prior to COVID, they were heavily involved in the community especially sponsoring schools just to bring in students. 

One of the things that are really instrumental towards his success and the massive result is the mindset shift – getting involved and getting back to the community and just by coming from a place of wanting to help.

Being a giver first and your efforts will multiply – doing it for the right reason and having a good product is going to sell itself without the paid marketing efforts. 

Robert also shared what a good martial arts product would look like. For him, it’s about his instructors who treat the students well and care for them – the way his instructor nurtures their students are reflected in their teaching—additionally, the cleanliness of the facility and the staff.

Lastly, he shared how SPARK Membership helps his business thrive by helping him and his staff save many hours by generating all of the invoices and putting them all together. What he also loves about SPARK is that it’s constantly evolving. The software is easy enough for the staff to navigate in day-to-day operations. Especially on holiday, they don’t need to worry about working on a lot in the backend because SPARK automates and does it for them. 

I hope Robert’s story gives us the awareness to elevate our own mindset, and if you have no extra time to do the work, want to have more time with your family, want to organize your business, and want everything to be easy – that’s what SPARK software is for. 

Read one of our blogs: 20 Yoga Challenges You Can Run in Your Studio

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

Martial Arts As A Career

Career day is a great opportunity and shows them what true martial arts teachers are all about.

Often, the school systems think that martial arts are violent and it’s going to wild things up, but in the past, it had been the way. 

Three goals in mind when walking into school talks

  1. We want the teacher to fall in love with my presentation

Going to talk about respect, focus, discipline, and setting goals. We also want to create a bridge that explains how kids can use focus, respect, confidence, and discipline in school. The intention is to paint a picture to the faculty members we care about students. 

  1. Make your student a hero for all of the kids

We want the teacher and student to realize how exceptional your student is. Treating them as a VIP and that they are super special. . It’s going to build their confidence and make them bully-proof.

  1. By the end of the school talk, ask the teacher how did he/she like the presentation

Ask them if it’s good if the kids benefit from it. And ask them if do they know another classroom that would love to invite us and would love our message. 

This is a great opportunity to change lives for kids and make an impact on them by your articulating the benefits they will get when they do martial arts.

Read one of our blogs: How to Start a Fitness Brand

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

Trend That Our Industry Needs to Be Aware Of

The power of influence that our industry has in our community. I’ve been privileged as a leader to keep an eye out of the box by creating a new development that will impact our industry.

Who we are and what we are on a daily basis is easily overseen and sometimes it’s taken for granted. 

Martial arts is a perfect and ideal service that has a core value that is founded upon, has a goal structure, and a title. 

Martial arts are natural and evolving. It’s the only industry that gets free multi-billion dollar exposure on the core values of martial arts. For example in the TV series Cobra Kai, a lot of students are inquiring about the services.

Hollywood is naturally promoting the benefits, the philosophy, and the power of martial arts.

Other sports don’t have that philosophy, history, persona, and the presence of the master that martial arts have. 

Read one of our blogs: How To Program CrossFit Workouts

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

5 Basic Components Your Classes Should Have

Teaching classes is the main product that we have and as a school, we have to make sure it is impactful and powerful. 

These are the basic key components in a class that your instructors should review to build an exciting class for students: 

  1. Having fun

You want your classes to be fun. As an instructor you have to look at your class plan and decide how you can make it fun, it makes you more excited and both children and adults are always looking forward to having fun. 

  1. Friendship

Building friendships in class. Based on statistics, the #1 reason why people stay in martial arts is because of their friends. So we want to mix a class that is fun and builds friendships. We can do a lot of combat sprints – by partnering with somebody, they count and cheer for you and learn how you can be a better teammate in that aspect of the class. 

  1. Motivation

We want to make sure our class is motivating, exciting, and empowering. As an instructor, be there and have the charisma and empower your students. Each student must at least be empowered 3x, and that’s where your assistant comes into place. Your assistant should go to each person and empower them so they will go to class feeling excited and motivated. 

  1. Martial arts

Make sure you have a dynamic, relevant, and exciting curriculum. You can mix the traditional martial arts, do a sparring experience and upgrade training experience. Through this, it will create a high level of martial artists. 

  1. Transformation

Students are getting stronger, they got better at the techniques. Doing cool drills and challenges makes them better martial artists and has a dynamic and fun experience for the students. 

Remind them of everything that they have learned in class. Be in a mindset as an instructor that every student in the class is progressing.

Read one of our blogs: The Perfect New Member Welcome Letter for Gyms and Martial arts schools

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

Increase Attendance at Your Martial Arts School With Martial Arts Lesson Plan

Increase Attendance at Your Martial Arts School With Martial Arts Lesson Plan

When first starting your martial arts school, it can seem extremely frustrating trying to get your first few students to attend regularly. Once you have coordinated your staff, marketing efforts, and curriculum together, you may start seeing an increase in members signing up for your classes. Martial arts schools, much like other industries that focus on progression and fitness, are only beneficial if your students attend regularly and are engaged in the classroom.

Changing your tactics for a growing school is paramount to keep your student’s attention on the proper curriculum at hand. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of having a proper lesson plan, and outline a template that you can use as a guideline to get you started.

What Should I Do Prior to Establishing a Lesson Plan

What Should I Do Prior to Establishing a Lesson Plan

Before even beginning to think about creating a lesson plan, you must first decide the curriculum for the school. Even if you already have an established training program, needs can change based on the number of students you have signed up for, the amount of staff you have on hand to teach, and the different age, weight, and belt distributions. When creating or updating your curriculum, it is important to assess four different things in your structure, depending on the discipline you are teaching. These are:

  • Basics/Kata 

The word “basics” is a misnomer in martial arts, as even seasoned professionals with many years of experience still need to train, re-train and improve their understanding of the basics. This includes stronger stances, quicker chambers, better form, and great execution.

  • Self-defense 

Martial arts, after all, all share a common history. Regardless of the discipline, the style was created for defense against an aggressor. These can be simple to teach if you already follow an established curriculum from a franchise, but review as necessary to make changes to the curriculum, as it could modernize the techniques.

  • Sparring

This is the part of the curriculum that everyone is looking forward to, putting their lessons in an application. Ensure you are providing the students with a structured environment to spar in, including rules for points, restricted movements, and ideal places for scoring.

  • Weapons/Kumite

Weapons may not be a part of all disciplines historically, but regardless, defense against modern weapons needs to be made a priority in the curriculum, such as knife and gun defense.

To properly develop your curriculum, and further, your martial arts lesson plans, it is recommended that you adopt an automated solution, such as a mixed martial arts management program. Spark Membership allows you to coordinate staff, easily create lesson plans and schedules, unify your marketing efforts, and provide templates for communication with your students and social media. Try it from the comfort of your smartphone, all for just $1.

How to Create Effective Martial Arts Lesson Plans

Once you have completed the curriculum, and know what you will be teaching, it is time to create your lesson plan. A common theme is to break the days into four different categories, and also include a day for grading and belt ceremonies. Below is a sample guide to get you started.

  1. Creed 


 If applicable, start off every class by having the students learn/recite the student creed. This is an extremely popular way of starting a class and having everyone switch their mindset from fun to serious learning.

  1. Warm-up


It is time to get everyone’s heart rate up. Warm-ups should include cardio exercises, obstacle courses, strikes and stretches to get the body moving and ready for drills.

  1. Basics and stances

Basics and stances

After everyone is warmed up, it’s time to start learning the curriculum. The best way to start off drills for blocks, punches, kicks, and stances.

  1. Sparring/Self-defense


Depending on the day, you can transition into sparring or self-defense. It is important to keep each day as specialized as possible. For spring, set up the environment to be as safe as possible, and make sure each combatant has understood and agreed to the rules. For self-defense, it is common to focus on the techniques that will help them to the next belt.

  1. Weapons


This is an alternative to the above, and should only be incorporated if weapons are planned for the day. It is not a good idea to incorporate more than two lessons into the same day.

  1. Social time

Keeping your students’ attention and maintaining silence is a great way to teach discipline, but is extremely difficult the younger they are. For example, older young people will have an easier time with the emotional maturity of keeping quiet, but children may not be able to. Provide some time for constructive conversations, such as the history of your martial arts discipline, or your achievements.

  1. Cool-down and fun drill

Cool-down and fun drill

Regardless of age, always end your class with some fun or a cool down. This will be applicable to everyone and will serve to transition them from serious, back to a more relaxed and fun attitude when leaving your dojo.

The Perfect New Member Welcome Letter for Gyms and Martial Arts Schools

The Perfect New Member Welcome Letter for Gyms and Martial Arts Schools

If you are reading this article, congratulations are in order. The most difficult task of your marketing efforts is to find, and eventually convert, your new members. This is not the end, but rather, the beginning of a long-lasting relationship with the client if they choose to stay at your facility. With over 50% of new members quitting within the first 6 months, there are steps you can take to ensure that this attrition is minimized as much as possible.

One of the simplest, yet most effective methods is to provide a welcome letter to your new member, especially a hand-written personalized note. This not only shows that you care, but increases the likelihood that the new member feels accepted, and may even be open to an upsell, such as personal fitness packages. In this article, we will talk about welcoming new members, and provide a sample template for your use.

How Do You Welcome a New Club Member

How Do You Welcome a New Club Member

When welcoming a new member, it is important to follow certain steps to properly assure the client that their decision to sign up and stay with you will be rewarding. Members are made and lost within the first few interactions, so it is common to identify new members within your gym management system so that your front office and gym staff know they should be extra helpful and available for questions. Prior to meeting any staff, the first interaction that the client has with your gym is through the welcome package that you provide them.

Further below, we have prepared a sample template for you to use in your next email or mail campaign to send to your new members. The key points of this letter must always be followed at a minimum so that the clients who register with you receive instant gratification upon signing up. You can create your own letter as well, using the following steps as a guideline:

  • The member must be thanked for choosing you.
  • The member must be reassured immediately to prevent buyer’s remorse if there is no contact.
  • Provide next steps, such as when to come to get set up with their equipment and tour.
  • Links to where they can learn more, such as your website and Google reviews.
  • The best contact information if they have any questions.

How Do You Write a New Member a Welcome Letter

How Do You Write a New Member a Welcome Letter

When distributing your welcome letter, this can be done both manually by handwritten note or through email. If you are a gym that has many new and existing members, it can be extremely difficult to send these emails out on time without a dedicated task force within your team to deliver these messages in a timely manner. The best solution is to try Spark Membership, which is the #1 gym management software. Spark offers automated email messaging, mailing, staff coordination, scheduling, class reminders, and much more, all at the convenience of your smartphone. Try it now for just $1.

Below is a sample new member welcome letter that you can use to reinforce your member’s decision to join your facility.


Welcome to the [NAME OF FACILITY] family/group!

By making this positive decision to join, you have already taken the initial step on your fitness journey, and we are extremely grateful you chose us. We are happy to walk with you on the path to achieving your personal health and fitness goals!

You can get started by collecting your [MEMBERSHIP CARD/KEY FOB] from the front desk. At that time, we are happy to provide an introductory session to review your goals and create a customized plan that best suits your needs. If you have not yet seen the facility prior to signing up, we are more than willing to give you a tour of our facility to better coordinate your workouts, including the personal training room for more customizable options.

Our hours of operations can change depending on certain events and holidays. This is a friendly reminder to always check class schedules prior to attending your workout. To learn more about our facility’s offerings and scheduled classes, click here [WEBSITE URL]. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call: [PHONE NUMBER] or simply reply to this email (or insert your best email if it is sent from a no-reply mailbox) and we’ll endeavor to get back to you within the next business hours.

We want to congratulate you on taking the first step in your fitness journey—you should be very proud of yourself, and we’re excited to be your gym of choice to achieve this!

See you soon!


Streamline your member welcome process with Spark Membership Software. Efficient, easy-to-use, and just $1 to start, it’s the ideal tool for enhancing your gym’s member experience.

The Best Martial Arts Summer Camp Idea To Increase Attendance

The Best Martial Arts Summer Camp Idea To Increase Attendance

During the summer, students have much more time available on their hands to attend and attain their next level of training. Not only this, but parents are often looking for ways to keep their children occupied during the summer holidays so that they can focus on their regular schedule. Hosting a martial arts summer camp not only serves to alleviate this issue for parents but also creates an additional income and branding possibility during the summer holidays. Below, we will explore a great martial arts summer camp idea, and how to keep training fun and interesting.

How can I make martial arts fun

How can I make martial arts fun

On a regular curriculum, most martial arts studios adhere to a strict training regimen to develop discipline and confidence in their students. As such, children may be used to a more rigorous class environment, and may not consider their training fun. Summer camps provide a great way to not only show that martial arts are a great lifestyle, but they can also potentially attract new members to the camp that will eventually become regular members during normal hours. In fact, you may already be incorporating some of the things that wellness living writes about making martial arts interesting and engaging for children.


This is true not just for children, but for adults as well. In the process of learning, the gamification of activity creates incentives for students to work towards getting better. For example, it is common for children to refuse to do proper pushups or to learn proper stances. A common method of making this fun is to incorporate music and rewards based on the amounts of pushups completed, as well as naming stances after animals and fictional creatures that the student can adopt as their avatar for the class.


Children need much more attention and validation of their actions to build self-confidence. After all, they have much less life experience and have difficulty discerning between right and wrong. Praise often and praise sincerely, for any little action that was a step towards success.


This can also be combined with gamification to produce lasting results. For example, sparring is a staple across all martial arts disciplines and is something both children and older students look forward to. Further, dividing students into groups and assigning each a color, and having them create a team name and motto will bring a sense of accomplishment and ownership for their team to win.

Best summer camp activities

Turning your martial arts academy into a summer camp can be challenging yet extremely rewarding. Prior to setting up, it is important to properly notify your staff and change the schedule for the new environment. Furthermore, this takes new email notifications, marketing and onboarding, payments, and reminders to both the students and the parents. You must also arrange for after-camp care in case parents are late for pickup. Having academy management software makes this simple. Spark Membership is the best on the market, and you can try it for just $1. Now that we’ve gone over the 3 key things that make martial arts fun for students, let’s go over the best martial arts summer camp idea below:

  1. Themes


Martial arts are usually done in uniform, but summer camp is about mixing curriculum with a fun environment that they would usually have at a normal summer camp. Depending on how many weeks the summer camp takes place, children enjoy having themed days (or weeks). For example, if following a standard 6-week summer camp schedule, every Friday could be a themed day, where students don’t wear their uniform. Common themes include superheroes, animals, video game characters, and movies.

  1. Obstacle courses

Obstacle courses

Instead of a standard warm-up, some days can feature an obstacle course prior to the day’s lesson. This can also be pivoted into a race, and the students can be divided into teams to cheer on their runners.

  1. Wood breaking competitions

Wood breaking competitions

This may be something that is found in a standard curriculum to demonstrate the technique, but every martial arts student dreams of breaking multiple cinder blocks with a single strike, as can be seen in popular shows and movies. Encourage students to bring in as many boards as they can break, or provide re-breakable boards

  1. Team contests

Team contests

This can incorporate many different activities including sparring, kata, knocking over pads/dummies, races, obstacle courses, and many others.

  1. Sensei says

Sensei says

A popular game among students of the martial arts is “Sensei Says”, which is similar to “Simon Says” but only related to martial arts techniques or movements. For example, have your students practice their kicks, strikes, and blocks, but only if preceded by “sensei says”. If not, they are eliminated

  1. Belt “tag”

Belt "tag"

One student is “it” and places a flag or clothing pin behind their back. The rest of the students will chase the one who is “it” and try to recover the item. Incorporate this with self-defense and grappling to make it a more instructive environment.

You may also want to read What Are People Looking For in Online Fitness Classes.

How To Easily Maximize Your Capacity For Adult Martial Arts Classes

How To Easily Maximize Your Capacity For Adult Martial Arts Classes

The Top Reasons Why People Join Adult Martial Arts Classes

The Top Reasons Why People Join Adult Martial Arts Classes

Martial arts rose to prominence in America after World War 2, as officials and government advisors saw the need for a disciplined combat system to train soldiers in close combat when faced with dangerous situations that do not call for loud or ranged weapons. As a martial arts gym owner, it is important to remember the origin of how this came to be, as the word “Martial” pertains to military training. While most martial arts schools cater to families and children, adults make up a larger and growing demographic of the market.

According to research, the top reasons for adults joining martial arts classes were fitness, self-defense, and discipline. For those that are not looking for a traditional gym and workout environment, seeking alternative choices, such as martial arts, dance and group classes are a great substitute and have a ready market at hand. Furthermore, many adults that attend follow available due to the improvements they’ve seen in their children’s discipline and confidence, or have studied a form of martial arts themselves when they were young and would like to further that training now that they have more independence and resources available.

Promoting Adult Martial Arts Classes

Promoting Adult Martial Arts Classes

Advertising classes for adults should not be any more difficult than promoting other demographics and counterparts. The most important thing to remember is that your branding should match your ideal member, and focus on targeting those pain points rather than catering to a general audience. If you are already catering to young and teenage children, you can easily pivot to the parents and offer special promotional deals and classes so that they can try out your services before making a full transition.

Most martial arts classes demand a significant time investment at multiple hours of the week to advance to the next belt. While it may be easier for children to be dropped off and picked up outside of school hours, adults are busier and more concentrated schedules. Before beginning to market your services, setting up a proper onboarding and intake infrastructure, combined with flexible scheduling should be established so that adults can make proper advancement towards the next dans, stripes, belts, or levels

💡 Mixed martial arts (MMA) fans have long debated which combat style is the most dominant. Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), kickboxing, boxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, and Karate are the principal fighting techniques featured in the UFC.

Ways to Market Your Martial Arts Club to Adults

Ways to Market Your Martial Arts Club to Adults

  1. Focused targeting

Keeping in mind the statistics presented at the beginning of the article, your message must incorporate the top three main pain points: Fitness, Discipline, and Self-Defense. This means that not only must the messaging contain all three of these solutions, but it must be targeted to the specific niche that requires this solution. For example, self-defense may be easy to promote to children in alliance with anti-bullying measures and organizations.

However, self-defense is a more sensitive subject for adults. A state study concluded that women felt more confident and were able to defend themselves after completing a form of martial arts. It is important to incorporate this in your messaging.

  1. Where is the attention

World-renowned disruptor and marketing genius Gary Vaynerchuk always mentions in his talks and interviews that the purpose behind marketing is finding where your ideal customer spends their time and attention. This is where creating an ideal consumer checklist becomes extremely important, as you can figure out where they spend their free time. For example, when targeting parents of your younger students, a great first place to advertise would be at the entrance to your dojo, with clear promotions and messaging. Other places could include more traditional gyms and health services, such as dietitians and physiotherapists.

  1. Partnerships

As a seaway to the above, creating partnerships and referral programs with other businesses related to your niche can create a symbiotic relationship of referrals between each other, oftentimes without the need for monetary compensation. This can be taken a step further and incorporated into a wellness or class program at workplaces and other gyms. For example, many benefits include health and wellness allowances for certain workplaces, so scheduling a program and demo class can attract those employees to attend your classes to spend their health and wellness credits.

  1. Get social

Did you know that 85% of Americans have a smartphone and 97% have one form of a cell phone? This means that every adult that is sitting in your dojo or looking for your services is searching for them online. If you are not regularly posting on your pages, asking for reviews and testimonials, and are not placing engaging videos of your classes, you may be missing out on an enormous revenue stream.

  1. Automate

Once you develop a marketing strategy, the best thing to do is automate and scale it while analyzing metrics to make informed decisions. This also means coordinating staff, incorporating new payment messages, scheduling new classes and members, and developing and onboarding infrastructure. This shift can be extremely daunting without a proper system in place. Spark Membership is the number one martial arts and member management full-service software on the market, and you can try it for just $1.

Guide To Martial Arts Billing: Top Tips For The Gym Owner

The Best Features That Every Martial Arts Billing System Should Have

One of the biggest challenges when starting your business is figuring out the logistics of payment. After setting up the business and getting ready to receive members and clients through your efforts, billing becomes an important factor. After all, the basic definition of a business is a service provided, a paying customer, and a place to transact. Your clients will want to pay in several different ways, and you must be ready to accept this payment if you’d like to run a successful business. In this article, we will explore the most common mistakes and issues that can occur during the setup of your billing process, and ultimately, the solution.

Martial Arts Billing: Common Obstacles

Although most businesses will have to put in the effort to find a great payment solution, some are unique just to the martial arts space. Below are some common challenges the gym owner faces with transacting and setup:

  1. Building a payment infrastructure that doesn’t scale with the business

Building a payment infrastructure that doesn't scale with the business

Martial arts schools are subscription-based services, with few people electing to pay lump sum yearly payments. This means that the payment solution needs to scale with your member base, be fast to receive payment, and must ensure the proper information is inputted to remain compliant for both you and the client. As you grow, a certain tiered solution should be available to the client, and great billing solution software can make this process easier.

  1. Loss of revenue from overdue invoices

Loss of revenue from overdue invoices

It is one thing entirely when an irate customer refuses to pay, but more commonly, unpaid invoices are unintended by the client. Common issues include credit card declines, incorrect information, or forgetful clients. The best solution is a system that sends out reminder notices, incorporates backup payments, and a process called dunning, which re-tries the payment system and sends further notice to the client if payment is unsuccessful.

  1. Lack of scrutinizing data to maximize revenues

Lack of scrutinizing data to maximize revenues

Especially in the beginning stages, the importance of having a regular cadence of the invoice metrics is often overlooked. Some chief metrics, such as growth efficiency, churn, profit margins, and retention rates are great insights into developing your business. It helps to answer questions such as: am I profitable? Which service brings in the most money? How is my growth this quarter? Are the free trials and promotions effective? Answering these questions can be extremely difficult with an in-house solution.

  1. Changes in complexity and error

Changes in complexity and error

When onboarding your first few clients on a basic package, it can be difficult to ascertain why a complete solution is needed. The issues come with the continued growth in your business, and more importantly, the tiered plans and unique customer situations that can arise. There is no blanket solution to this. A payment system must not only be flexible but also provide opportunities for further business. Key features, such as consolidation, transparent charge information, and invoice branding are overlooked, but provide a great opportunity to both get paid and advertise your business.

  1. No automation or integration

No automation or integration

A traditional or in-house billing solution usually only focuses on the finances. While this may seem like a very simple and straightforward thing, an invoice is rarely just about money. Gym owners wear different hats, and require different, even specialized teams, to run their school(s). For example, sales teams must have access to invoices to review upsells, discounts, and referral packages. Customer services need this information as well to adjust for errors. Automation also upgrades your professional image, as customers are more likely to transact in a place of authority where they feel safe.

The Best Features That Every Martial Arts Billing System Should Have

Now that the obstacles have been discussed, let’s take a look at what a great Martial arts billing system should include. This list is not exhaustive.

  • Compatibility and growth with your business
  • Secure transaction spaces
  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Tracks revenue and expenses, and provides an effective data management screen
  • Provide feedback on trials and promotions
  • provides metrics and on-demand reports to help with filing and review
  • Market your business with brand invoicing
  • automation, integration, and analytics

With the above in mind, the billing system should also not be separate from your business. A proper member management software has these billing features included, but also keeps track of your sales, contact, scheduling, staff, and overall management of your school. Spark Membership provides full-service member and school management software that includes all these features and is the best on the market for being a one-stop solution. You can give it a try today for just 1$.