The Most Effective Digital Branding Karate Marketing Ideas To Generate More Leads

The Most Effective Digital Branding Karate Marketing Ideas To Generate More Leads

Digital Marketing is an area that shouldn’t be overlooked in your dojo. Regardless of the position you find yourself in. Digital marketing can help to elevate your brand to new levels, even if you are growing steadily with offline methods. Having an online presence is statically advantageous, as 90% of people have mentioned that a positive review influenced their buying decision or that outbound marketing costs 62% less than traditional inbound marketing.

It is hard to ignore the importance of having a digital presence in the modern world. This article will talk about the importance of a digital brand, the key points to that approach, and finally, how to create an effective digital branding and marketing strategy to dominate your industry space.

Did you know 🤔?
It takes about 3 to 7 years to become a black belt, though everyone goes at their own pace!

Why Do I Need a Good Digital Brand

Why Do I Need a Good Digital Brand

Based on the above, it is clear that a good digital brand is necessary for customers to find you in our modern and digitized world. Other than the obvious benefit of creating an online brand, a subsequent digital marketing strategy has unseen benefits that can effectively place your customer acquisition on a measurable and predictable scale.

An extremely tenable digital brand establishes your company’s culture, increases your reputation, and further develops the recognition and association with your dojo and its services. Many people believe that having a website and social media site is enough to build an entirely digital presence, but that is often a way for service providers to sell you programs. A true digital brand encompasses five key areas, which will be outlined below.

The Key Areas of a Digital Brand

Automating Your Outreach and Follow Up

Before implementing your digital karate marketing ideas, we must first establish a good brand. Without brand recognition, it is extremely cost-ineffective to launch an entire strategy from nothing. Start with what you have. For example, if you already have a great offline brand, focus on transitioning that online using the following points:

  • Your online brand should be more than just a logo and campaign. It should answer the questions “who are we?” and “What do we believe in?”.
  • It should match the value systems of your current and potential students. Every message or post you write must reflect this.
  • It is an expression of your audience’s perception of your dojo and not your own. Keep this in mind in your communications and media actions.
  • It is focused on the ideal customer you want to attract and does not cater to the general public. Your audience must feel they are part of a family headed towards the same goal.
  • It must first identify the audience’s needs, and then find an effective way to communicate the solution.

Effective Digital Marketing Techniques to Complement Your Online Brand

Once you have looked inward to find your core values and developed a roadmap to establishing an online brand, it is time to communicate this message through various digital karate marketing ideas and techniques to reach your audience and generate qualified leads. Below are the top four most important digital marketing techniques:

  1. Content Marketing

Content Marketing

This provides you with a way to become a thought leader in your space and establish authority in the industry. Your students only want to learn from the best, so show that you are knowledgeable. The most important way to achieve this is to focus more on mobile content, as making your mobile atmosphere attractive and engaging will yield better results.

  1. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Including both paid and organic traffic, Social media marketing remains the number 1 way to build an online brand and reach your ideal audience. Schedule your posts, drive engagement, communicate regularly and remember to use the power of social media ads on large platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and best of all, Instagram.

  1. Search Engine Marketing

This strategy, overall, combines paid search Google my business (GMB) and developing a great SEO strategy. Google remains the number one search engine by a large margin, so it is important to get exposure to this traffic in any way possible. Setting up a GMB account is free and allows local users to search for you and view positive reviews, which acts as positive social proof. Combing your GMB with a powerful SEO strategy and using Google Adwords will drastically improve your quality traffic.

  1. Automating Your Outreach and Follow Up

Automating Your Outreach and Follow Up
Image Source: Salesflare Blog

Proper leads need nurturing, so when creating your emails, posts, content, newsletters, and other communications, you will want to revisit, remarket and provide offers for unconverted leads and upsells. The best way to do this is to download dojo management software. Spark Membership remains the number #1 solution on the market, and you can try it now for just $1.

BJJ Strength and Conditioning Program You Can Run at Your Local Gym

BJJ Strength and Conditioning Program You Can Run at Your Local Gym

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu rose to popularity for being one of the most effective ground-control disciplines in the modern world. Although it is emphasized that technique is much more important than size, it is always important to have as many advantages as possible against a potential aggressor. Combining your training regimen with strength training will give you the upper hand in situations where it would otherwise be more dangerous.

Strength training will also condition your body further to endure not only your current training but will assist you in your performance as you climb through the ranks. In this article, we will talk about the certain benefits of strength training, how often you should train in this way, and ultimately, an effective training regimen for our BJJ school.

How Often Should I Conduct Strength Training

How Often Should I Conduct Strength Training

An article posted on has conducted a study on just this very question. Although it is largely dependent on every person’s ideal goal and weight, the most common answer seems to be: twice a week. It is important to remember that the BJJ discipline focuses on submissions, holds, chokes, and pressure points, and that overall strength training is not as important in BJJ as it is in other disciplines, which utilize major muscle groups to overpower the opponent.

With this being said, it is, of course, extremely beneficial to be in shape and as strong as possible and will give you the edge over an opponent that is of the same skill, or slightly better, than you. Using various compound lifts as a benchmark, a study was done on Elite vs Non-Elite practitioners to determine if having a stronger physique gave a significant competitive advantage. Overall, performing compound lifts at 1.2-1.7kg x your bodyweight (kg) is enough to achieve maximum benefit from a BJJ strength and conditioning program.

Strength Training for BJJ Fighter

Strength Training for BJJ Fighter

Now that we’ve spoken about the benefits of strength training in BJJ, combined with the cadence of a workout, it is important to establish a regular BJJ strength and conditioning program to offer at your local gym for those that are looking to meet the physique standards compared with their bodyweight. This can be difficult to conduct logistically, especially if you are offering it as a service outside of training your students.

A great alternative to employing a standardized training program is dedicated BJJ management software that will coordinate your scheduling, payments, marketing, staff, and other inquiries received for the program, and your gym as a whole Spark Membership is the #1 solution of its kind that is on the market. Try it now for just $1.

You might be interested in How To Optimize Attendance In Your Kids Jiu Jitsu Class

  1. Compound lifts

Compound lifts

The most tried and true lifts that are incorporated into any training program are compound lifts. Even on an international basis, strength standards include statistics that have to do with squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Other exercises, such as cleaning & jerks, overhead press, and rows can also be included in this training program. Compound lifts are extremely important, as the word “Compound” refers to many muscles of your body working together. As long as you combine 3-5 exercises in sets, all muscle groups can be targeted and achieve a full-body workout every few days.

  1. Vertical jump

Vertical jump

When a fight goes to the ground, it is often a battle of submission. Here is where training, technique, and certain pressure points are used to render the opponent unable to fight. Before the confrontation ends on the ground, the BJJ practitioner can gain the upper hand with sweeps, throws, and other agility-based moves that will give them a favorable position prior to ending up on the ground. Is of key importance is the vertical jump, which has numerous benefits when performing explosive moves. Exercises, such as the jump squat, vertical jump, and landmine rotation will help in this development.

  1. Lifts that focus on the lower back

Lifts that focus on the lower back

With some practitioners favoring the guard pass position, these fighters should be training their lower back as much as possible to be able to control the fight from the ground position. Although compound lifts are often enough for entry-level fighters, elite fighters that frequently “pass” fight should focus on targeting their lower back with such exercises as Barbell Row, Romanian Deadlift, and Medicine Ball Thrusts.

  1. Grip strength

Grip strength

Unlike other disciplines, grip strength is of chief importance for the BJJ fighter. This not only helps with the manipulation of your opponent’s limbs to place them in a difficult position, but it is a rare occasion that your opponent does not have any clothes. Many chokes, holds and submissions depend on being able to grapple your opponent’s belt, shirt, pants, and other accessories and clothing to get the upper hand. As such, training your grip strength through Clamp training, EZ bar curls, Rope Pulls, and Sandbag Carry have proven effective.

BJJ Strength and Conditioning Program You Can Run at Your Local Gym

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu rose to popularity for being one of the most effective ground-control disciplines in the modern world. Although it is emphasized that technique is much more important than size, it is always important to have as many advantages as possible against a potential aggressor. Combining your training regimen with strength training will give you the upper hand in situations where it would otherwise be more dangerous.

Strength training will also condition your body further to endure not only your current training but will assist you in your performance as you climb through the ranks. In this article, we will talk about the certain benefits of strength training, how often you should train in this way, and ultimately, an effective training regimen for our BJJ school.

How Often Should I Conduct Strength Training

How Often Should I Conduct Strength Training

An article posted on has conducted a study on just this very question. Although it is largely dependent on every person’s ideal goal and weight, the most common answer seems to be: twice a week. It is important to remember that the BJJ discipline focuses on submissions, holds, chokes, and pressure points, and that overall strength training is not as important in BJJ as it is in other disciplines, which utilize major muscle groups to overpower the opponent.

With this being said, it is, of course, extremely beneficial to be in shape and as strong as possible and will give you the edge over an opponent that is of the same skill, or slightly better, than you. Using various compound lifts as a benchmark, a study was done on Elite vs Non-Elite practitioners to determine if having a stronger physique gave a significant competitive advantage. Overall, performing compound lifts at 1.2-1.7kg x your bodyweight (kg) is enough to achieve maximum benefit from a BJJ strength and conditioning program.

Strength Training for BJJ Fighter

Strength Training for BJJ Fighter

Now that we’ve spoken about the benefits of strength training in BJJ, combined with the cadence of a workout, it is important to establish a regular BJJ strength and conditioning program to offer at your local gym for those that are looking to meet the physique standards compared with their bodyweight. This can be difficult to conduct logistically, especially if you are offering it as a service outside of training your students.

A great alternative to employing a standardized training program is dedicated BJJ management software that will coordinate your scheduling, payments, marketing, staff, and other inquiries received for the program, and your gym as a whole Spark Membership is the #1 solution of its kind that is on the market. Try it now for just $1.

You might be interested in How To Optimize Attendance In Your Kids Jiu Jitsu Class

  1. Compound lifts

Compound lifts

The most tried and true lifts that are incorporated into any training program are compound lifts. Even on an international basis, strength standards include statistics that have to do with squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Other exercises, such as cleaning & jerks, overhead press, and rows can also be included in this training program. Compound lifts are extremely important, as the word “Compound” refers to many muscles of your body working together. As long as you combine 3-5 exercises in sets, all muscle groups can be targeted and achieve a full-body workout every few days.

  1. Vertical jump

Vertical jump

When a fight goes to the ground, it is often a battle of submission. Here is where training, technique, and certain pressure points are used to render the opponent unable to fight. Before the confrontation ends on the ground, the BJJ practitioner can gain the upper hand with sweeps, throws, and other agility-based moves that will give them a favorable position prior to ending up on the ground. Is of key importance is the vertical jump, which has numerous benefits when performing explosive moves. Exercises, such as the jump squat, vertical jump, and landmine rotation will help in this development.

  1. Lifts that focus on the lower back

Lifts that focus on the lower back

With some practitioners favoring the guard pass position, these fighters should be training their lower back as much as possible to be able to control the fight from the ground position. Although compound lifts are often enough for entry-level fighters, elite fighters that frequently “pass” fight should focus on targeting their lower back with such exercises as Barbell Row, Romanian Deadlift, and Medicine Ball Thrusts.

  1. Grip strength

Grip strength

Unlike other disciplines, grip strength is of chief importance for the BJJ fighter. This not only helps with the manipulation of your opponent’s limbs to place them in a difficult position, but it is a rare occasion that your opponent does not have any clothes. Many chokes, holds and submissions depend on being able to grapple your opponent’s belt, shirt, pants, and other accessories and clothing to get the upper hand. As such, training your grip strength through Clamp training, EZ bar curls, Rope Pulls, and Sandbag Carry have proven effective.

The Perfect New Member Welcome Letter for Gyms and Martial Arts Schools

The Perfect New Member Welcome Letter for Gyms and Martial Arts Schools

If you are reading this article, congratulations are in order. The most difficult task of your marketing efforts is to find, and eventually convert, your new members. This is not the end, but rather, the beginning of a long-lasting relationship with the client if they choose to stay at your facility. With over 50% of new members quitting within the first 6 months, there are steps you can take to ensure that this attrition is minimized as much as possible.

One of the simplest, yet most effective methods is to provide a welcome letter to your new member, especially a hand-written personalized note. This not only shows that you care, but increases the likelihood that the new member feels accepted, and may even be open to an upsell, such as personal fitness packages. In this article, we will talk about welcoming new members, and provide a sample template for your use.

How Do You Welcome a New Club Member

How Do You Welcome a New Club Member

When welcoming a new member, it is important to follow certain steps to properly assure the client that their decision to sign up and stay with you will be rewarding. Members are made and lost within the first few interactions, so it is common to identify new members within your gym management system so that your front office and gym staff know they should be extra helpful and available for questions. Prior to meeting any staff, the first interaction that the client has with your gym is through the welcome package that you provide them.

Further below, we have prepared a sample template for you to use in your next email or mail campaign to send to your new members. The key points of this letter must always be followed at a minimum so that the clients who register with you receive instant gratification upon signing up. You can create your own letter as well, using the following steps as a guideline:

  • The member must be thanked for choosing you.
  • The member must be reassured immediately to prevent buyer’s remorse if there is no contact.
  • Provide next steps, such as when to come to get set up with their equipment and tour.
  • Links to where they can learn more, such as your website and Google reviews.
  • The best contact information if they have any questions.

How Do You Write a New Member a Welcome Letter

How Do You Write a New Member a Welcome Letter

When distributing your welcome letter, this can be done both manually by handwritten note or through email. If you are a gym that has many new and existing members, it can be extremely difficult to send these emails out on time without a dedicated task force within your team to deliver these messages in a timely manner. The best solution is to try Spark Membership, which is the #1 gym management software. Spark offers automated email messaging, mailing, staff coordination, scheduling, class reminders, and much more, all at the convenience of your smartphone. Try it now for just $1.

Below is a sample new member welcome letter that you can use to reinforce your member’s decision to join your facility.


Welcome to the [NAME OF FACILITY] family/group!

By making this positive decision to join, you have already taken the initial step on your fitness journey, and we are extremely grateful you chose us. We are happy to walk with you on the path to achieving your personal health and fitness goals!

You can get started by collecting your [MEMBERSHIP CARD/KEY FOB] from the front desk. At that time, we are happy to provide an introductory session to review your goals and create a customized plan that best suits your needs. If you have not yet seen the facility prior to signing up, we are more than willing to give you a tour of our facility to better coordinate your workouts, including the personal training room for more customizable options.

Our hours of operations can change depending on certain events and holidays. This is a friendly reminder to always check class schedules prior to attending your workout. To learn more about our facility’s offerings and scheduled classes, click here [WEBSITE URL]. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call: [PHONE NUMBER] or simply reply to this email (or insert your best email if it is sent from a no-reply mailbox) and we’ll endeavor to get back to you within the next business hours.

We want to congratulate you on taking the first step in your fitness journey—you should be very proud of yourself, and we’re excited to be your gym of choice to achieve this!

See you soon!


Streamline your member welcome process with Spark Membership Software. Efficient, easy-to-use, and just $1 to start, it’s the ideal tool for enhancing your gym’s member experience.

Mistakes to Avoid When Training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Kids

Mistakes to Avoid When Training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Kids

Jiu-Jitsu is the leading ground-based martial art discipline in America, having over 5 million practitioners worldwide. Beginning in the early 90s, it was almost impossible to train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) without learning in the home country of Brazil, but it quickly rose to prominence with the advent of social media and demonstrations that could be viewed online. It is also endorsed by popular martial artist and actor, Chuck Norris, who is an advanced student of the sport.

With BJJ growing so quickly, it has garnered attention from parents as an alternative to other martial arts and extra-curricular activities. Martial arts provide discipline for children, and learning a form that focuses on ground control could prove more beneficial to their counterparts, as most fights begin or end on the ground. In fact, 73% of street fights ended on the ground, so children are statistically safer learning at a young age such an effective fighting style.

Should kids do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Should kids do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Other than the obvious benefits of self-defense, BJJ offers children an improved development of their character, mind, body, and spirit. When this martial art is started at a young age, students quickly adopt the creed of the BJJ and form their schedule around attendance and execution of the exercises. Below is a study on the top five ways that children can benefit from enrolling in BJJ classes.

Anti-bullying attitude

Anti-bullying attitude

It is no secret that bullying is still prominent in schools, especially in a world as diverse as ours is today. Children judge each other for many different reasons, including class, weight, social skills, economic background, race, and a host of other reasons. Not only does BJJ assist with defending oneself against aggressors, but BJJ takes on a “self-defense” creed, which both stops bullies, and prevents the practitioner from ever being the one who is conducting the bullying.

Failure is a part of life

Failure is a part of life

Young children throw tantrums and cannot learn from their mistakes. However, once the child has reached some level of emotional maturity, they can take part in competitions (research suggests a minimum age of 8) before being enrolled in competition or sparring). Learning that victory is only achieved through hard work, and that failure is a part of life is necessary for expectations and development.



BJJ does not only offer a platform to talk to other students but other social aspects help in the growth of your child. Furthermore, students that take part in BJJ classes usually have a common goal and will develop their lifestyle and hobby together with life-long friends.

Improved motor skills and coordination

Improved motor skills and coordination

Nothing helps improve your coordination more than the discipline of martial arts. If you cannot hold your stance, strike properly, or conduct the exercise, you will be bested by an opponent who can. BJJ stresses the importance of adapting to a situation and becoming a quick learner.

Better habits

Better habits

It is extremely difficult to be a successful BJJ practitioner while living a sedentary lifestyle of poor eating, sleeping, and recreational habits. BJJ underlines the importance of living an active lifestyle, which creates lifelong habits.

At what age should you start Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

At what age should you start Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Speaking about the above benefits of enrolling in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for kids, you may be wondering “at what age is this appropriate for my child?”. Largely, this is dependent on the curriculum provided by the BJJ gym. It is important to discuss goals and class schedules to inform yourself about what your child will learn. Generally, BJJ can be started as early as 4 years of age, but it is recommended that competition settings are postponed until 8 when the child is old enough to handle the emotional maturity of defeat and has the ability to follow rules and not throw tantrums.

Mistakes to avoid

The following are the top three common errors to avoid when teaching Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for kids:

  1. Not enough attention

Not enough attention

Young children learn at a much quicker rate than older young adults. However, they have extremely short attention spans and require a lot of observation. Make sure you are dedicating enough staff to oversee these classes.

Read the related blog: How To Optimize Attendance In Your Kids Jiu-Jitsu Class

  1. Mixing your classes

Mixing your classes

It is common to mix age groups, and in some adult circumstances, all ages can be brought together. Child development is in stark contrast to this, as a child at the age of 9 is much more receptive and attentive than someone that is only 2 years their junior. Separate age groups the younger they are, and start making larger age gaps the older they get.

  1. Inability to insist

Inability to insist

Young children who are just beginning do not see the importance of why they are there. Children are told where to go and their parents drop them off for classes. Some children, therefore, do not care much about the exercises and are only there to goof off or have fun. Knowing when to praise, and when to have a stern attitude is necessary for the development of the child to learn discipline.

Overall, we hope this article has shed some light on the benefits and common errors that occur within BJJ classes for children. Due to the above logistical difficulties, such as scheduling, allocating staff payment, teaching styles, classroom observances, and gym management, it is recommended to enlist the help of BJJ management software. Spark Membership is the #1 solution on the market of its kind.

How To Increase Attendance In Your Kids Jiu Jitsu Class

How To Increase Attendance In Your Kids Jiu Jitsu Class

When first starting out your studio, it is important to remember and select the demographic you are looking to teach. Some new owners already have a following, while others are looking to build out their market. Whether or not you will be teaching both children and adults, or just focusing on a young age group, there are many factors to consider before scheduling your training program. In this article, we will explore some reservations that can be overcome in introducing a children’s Jiu-Jitsu class, and ultimately, how to maximize their attendance.

What Is Jiu-Jitsu for Children

If you started your studio for the sole purpose of finding training partners and competition, it may be difficult to ascertain what a training program can look like for young kids and even teenagers. It is important to remember your own training and that of your sparring partners in the past. More than likely, they have undergone some sort of martial arts training as young children, rather than pick up the sport in adulthood, and transition to a professional career.

Jiu-Jitsu does not need to be changed for children, but rather, the approach to teaching must be different. This is why training is often segmented into their belt colors, as the curriculum can be taught easily when first working on the fundamentals. Remember that teaching the curriculum must be focused less on the self-defense techniques and exercises, and more on attention, praise, and making learning fun.

What Age Should Jiu-Jitsu Be Available to Children

What Age Should Jiu-Jitsu Be Available to Children

Parents often have reservations about enrolling their children in martial arts, let alone a very close-contact art like Jiu-Jitsu. The world champion Yuri Simões says that even though his father had a huge love for the sport, he didn’t enroll Yuri in a qualifying curriculum until the age of 9. His father believed that starting any younger would cause children to lose interest quickly in the sport, and not make a lasting connection with it throughout their life.

In an attempt to answer this question, BJJ heroes reached out to leading Brazilian psychologist Hernani Caroço. Hernani is a specialist in working with children between the ages of 3 and 17 on their psychology and development. He mentions that any sort of activity that develops a child physically, emotionally, and socially can only be beneficial for their upbringing. He says that, with few exceptions, between 5 and 6 years of age would be the earliest age that a child can be prepared to be enrolled in Martial arts. However, it is only between the ages of 8-10 that competition should be introduced. Children younger than 8 typically do not yet have the maturity to deal with frustration and loss and are more likely to follow the rules of self-defense and combat.

How to Make Kids Jiu-Jitsu Attractive

How to Make Kids Jiu-Jitsu Attractive

When looking to establish a training curriculum for children and the marketing to match it, it is important to know that your target audience (at least at first) will be parents, caretakers, and decision-makers. With this being said, here are the top five ways to make kids Jiu-Jitsu more attractive, and how to achieve an increase in attendance.

  • Focus on the benefits 

Some parents may be looking specifically for your school if they have been taught in the Jiu-Jitsu discipline, but most are not that specific. You will be competing not only with your own local schools but also, with other martial arts disciplines and self-defense classes as well. As such, you must focus less on the sport, and more on how Jiu-Jitsu will improve the child’s life. Mentioning increased confidence, better grades, discipline, focus, and maturity are great ways to convince parents that this is the program for them.

  • Participate in tournaments 

Most children and teenagers, at some age, dream of being a superstar. Tournaments allow this kind of creativity to flourish, and also will add some application to their training in a real scenario. It is one thing to practice sparring with the same class every day, but a much different feeling when pitted against other schools. Not only will this competition motivate students, but it will also bring awareness to your BJJ club. Make sure to list any accolades or trophies that you win.

  • Separate your classes

This may be intuitive, but some schools do not do this. Do not mix your classes, especially between adolescents and young children. Age groups should be early, as there is a huge difference between a 6-year-old and a 10-year-old, but less so between a 15 and 17 year old. You will not be able to provide the required attention and risk losing your classes.

  • Get social 

Live demos, tournaments, posts, interviews, curriculum, class schedules and more should always be posted to your social media pages. Not only does this help to keep your current students updated on any events or grading, but it brings brand awareness from potential members about your curriculum, achievements, and progress.

  • Lifestyle

BJJ should be a lifestyle. Children will often grow up in the same school throughout their formative years and even as adults. As such, BJJ will be a lifestyle for them and their family. Belt ceremonies, grading, and self-defense achievements are just one of the few drops in the bucket of the BJJ lifestyle, but should also be centered around core values. Make sure to develop a student creed that all your practitioners should abide by and form a sense of comradery.

How to Tie It All Together

How to tie it all together

Now that you have the knowledge and confidence to build your Jiu-Jitsu curriculum, it is important to manage it properly. This means scheduling, marketing, re-targeting, email/text reminders, newsletters, class attendance, payment, and staff management need to be transparent and tied together. Spark Membership is an all-in-one solution, the best of its kind on the market. Try it from the comfort of your own smartphone for just $1

The Ultimate Guide To Starting a BJJ Business

The Ultimate Guide To Starting a BJJ Business

Many practitioners may dream of owning their own BJJ studio. It may have started out as a daydream, or as a serious commitment, but everyone who trains jiu-jitsu seriously has thought about having a career in this specific martial art. Before starting a BJJ business, there are many things to consider, such as your total commitment and passion for the sport. Once most of the mental barriers have been cleared out, it is time to start looking at actually building the business.

Starting a BJJ business may not be what it seems from the outside, but it can definitely be rewarding. Transitioning over from your regular job to teaching your hobby is extremely fulfilling, but be prepared to face a few realities along the way. In this article, we will go over some of the top Jiu-Jitsu academy owners, their thoughts on the transition from hobby to business, and ultimately, the top things you should consider to build your dojo and clientele.

💡 | Did you know?
Brazilian jiu-jitsu concentrates on ground combat techniques and submission grips utilizing joint-locks and chokeholds to offset any strength or size advantages. Physical strength may be neutralized or increased on the ground by using effective grappling tactics.

You might also want to read How To Optimize Attendance In Your Kids Jiu Jitsu Class

The Jiu-Jitsu Mindset

The Jiu-Jitsu Mindset

According to interviews with top BJJ practitioners and academy owners, Roy Dean, Liam Resnekov, Adilson Higa Dorval, and Yuki Ishikawa, they had the following advice for new business owners:

  • You must really love Jiu-Jitsu

Roy Dean began his academy due to his burning desire and passion for Jiu-Jitsu so that he could train in his own style and teach students and training partners in the same way. He advocates that you must have a burning love for this, not a slight enjoyment. He mentions there will be a lot of hard work, 7 day weeks, and many 14+ hour days. Not only will you be training, but you must run your business alongside that.

  • You must develop your own style

Liam Resnekov started his own Jiu-Jitsu academy due to his desire to teach his students in a particular style that he had tweaked from his years as a practitioner. Your first students will come looking for something new and will have many questions about your lineage, style, commitment, and training days/partners. Prior to making the shift from martial artist to business owner, make sure you have something to teach.

  • You need to detach yourself from training to work on your business

Yuki Ishikawa started his dojo as a way to train often. He did not have any clubs around him and wanted to make his own. Of the owners listed here, Yuki actually did not want to start a business at all. He acquired a place to train, and students started showing up. He realized there is a lot of office work involved in running a BJJ business, and that he would often get to train more as a practitioner than a business owner. His advice is that you must understand what you can and cannot do, have the right expectations, and have a team or program to help you when you make mistakes.

  • You must make a conscious decision about making Jiu-Jitsu a lifestyle:

Adilson Higa Dorval opened his dojo in Brazil, the birthplace of BJJ. He had been training since 1992 in US and Japan. In 2009, he suffered a tragic accident and made a strong commitment that BJJ would be his lifestyle and source of income. His advice is that opening your own BJJ academy will be a state of constant learning and that you must always evolve and work on yourself, especially in this industry. When times are tough, only your commitment will pull you through.

How to Start Your Own Jiu-Jitsu Business

How to Start Your Own Jiu-Jitsu Business

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations. Often, the deciding factor about whether to start a BJJ business or not is not the expenses, obstacles, or challenges, but getting into the correct mindset to make the transition. With that being said, below are the best things to consider when starting your own BJJ business:

  • Location 

It is recommended to start with a small location and grow organically. Find a small space for your dojo and begin building a loyal clientele of close friends. Get to know the neighborhood and be involved in the BJJ scene, as dojo instructors and practitioners will usually keep in contact.

  • Prices/Expenses 

Further to the above, it is better to start small and grow organically. Starting a dojo is extremely costly when going straight for state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Although you may believe your students want fancy things, your initial classes will be small and intimate. This helps to keep costs down and to scale appropriately.

  • Instructors/Team

Hiring another instructor is seldom the choice when first starting out. You want to start your own BJJ academy to train and teach your style. Often, if you find yourself needing someone to teach the class, your staff options are right in front of you. An overwhelming majority of student instructors will be from your very own academy. Consider also administrative staff to help coordinate and cleaning staff to help keep the studio professional and free of health hazards.

  • Marketing 

Build your brand and social media presence prior to investing heavily in paid advertising. As mentioned above, it is better to start small and grow organically at first, as getting your BJJ business off the ground will be extremely difficult if you’re moving too quickly.

  • Scheduling 

This pertains to both classes and employee schedules. Make sure to adopt a solution that is right for you and can be broadcast and easy to handle. When scheduling, consider your own personal time and time to run the business, as burnout can be an extremely unsuspecting, but destructive, force.

  • Awards and accolades

Why do your students want to train with you and not someone more established? Make sure to present your lineage, accolades, awards, or professional fighting/coaching career around your studio, and be sure to answer any questions.

  • Management software

Starting a BJJ business is already difficult, let alone building out an entire team, marketing plan, scheduling, taking payments, outsourcing, communicating with suppliers, and many more administrative and operational tasks. Why not get BJJ management software to alleviate this pressure? Spark Membership is the number one management software in the martial arts space. Try it now for just $1.

The Best Martial Arts Summer Camp Idea To Increase Attendance

The Best Martial Arts Summer Camp Idea To Increase Attendance

During the summer, students have much more time available on their hands to attend and attain their next level of training. Not only this, but parents are often looking for ways to keep their children occupied during the summer holidays so that they can focus on their regular schedule. Hosting a martial arts summer camp not only serves to alleviate this issue for parents but also creates an additional income and branding possibility during the summer holidays. Below, we will explore a great martial arts summer camp idea, and how to keep training fun and interesting.

How can I make martial arts fun

How can I make martial arts fun

On a regular curriculum, most martial arts studios adhere to a strict training regimen to develop discipline and confidence in their students. As such, children may be used to a more rigorous class environment, and may not consider their training fun. Summer camps provide a great way to not only show that martial arts are a great lifestyle, but they can also potentially attract new members to the camp that will eventually become regular members during normal hours. In fact, you may already be incorporating some of the things that wellness living writes about making martial arts interesting and engaging for children.


This is true not just for children, but for adults as well. In the process of learning, the gamification of activity creates incentives for students to work towards getting better. For example, it is common for children to refuse to do proper pushups or to learn proper stances. A common method of making this fun is to incorporate music and rewards based on the amounts of pushups completed, as well as naming stances after animals and fictional creatures that the student can adopt as their avatar for the class.


Children need much more attention and validation of their actions to build self-confidence. After all, they have much less life experience and have difficulty discerning between right and wrong. Praise often and praise sincerely, for any little action that was a step towards success.


This can also be combined with gamification to produce lasting results. For example, sparring is a staple across all martial arts disciplines and is something both children and older students look forward to. Further, dividing students into groups and assigning each a color, and having them create a team name and motto will bring a sense of accomplishment and ownership for their team to win.

Best summer camp activities

Turning your martial arts academy into a summer camp can be challenging yet extremely rewarding. Prior to setting up, it is important to properly notify your staff and change the schedule for the new environment. Furthermore, this takes new email notifications, marketing and onboarding, payments, and reminders to both the students and the parents. You must also arrange for after-camp care in case parents are late for pickup. Having academy management software makes this simple. Spark Membership is the best on the market, and you can try it for just $1. Now that we’ve gone over the 3 key things that make martial arts fun for students, let’s go over the best martial arts summer camp idea below:

  1. Themes


Martial arts are usually done in uniform, but summer camp is about mixing curriculum with a fun environment that they would usually have at a normal summer camp. Depending on how many weeks the summer camp takes place, children enjoy having themed days (or weeks). For example, if following a standard 6-week summer camp schedule, every Friday could be a themed day, where students don’t wear their uniform. Common themes include superheroes, animals, video game characters, and movies.

  1. Obstacle courses

Obstacle courses

Instead of a standard warm-up, some days can feature an obstacle course prior to the day’s lesson. This can also be pivoted into a race, and the students can be divided into teams to cheer on their runners.

  1. Wood breaking competitions

Wood breaking competitions

This may be something that is found in a standard curriculum to demonstrate the technique, but every martial arts student dreams of breaking multiple cinder blocks with a single strike, as can be seen in popular shows and movies. Encourage students to bring in as many boards as they can break, or provide re-breakable boards

  1. Team contests

Team contests

This can incorporate many different activities including sparring, kata, knocking over pads/dummies, races, obstacle courses, and many others.

  1. Sensei says

Sensei says

A popular game among students of the martial arts is “Sensei Says”, which is similar to “Simon Says” but only related to martial arts techniques or movements. For example, have your students practice their kicks, strikes, and blocks, but only if preceded by “sensei says”. If not, they are eliminated

  1. Belt “tag”

Belt "tag"

One student is “it” and places a flag or clothing pin behind their back. The rest of the students will chase the one who is “it” and try to recover the item. Incorporate this with self-defense and grappling to make it a more instructive environment.

You may also want to read What Are People Looking For in Online Fitness Classes.

Halloween Fitness: 7 Best Tips For Your Gym


When thinking about your fitness center, Halloween may not seem very synonymous with fitness. On the contrary, Halloween is close to Thanksgiving and Christmas, which are usually the times people gain weight due to eating more. You will have more attendance on Halloween than on these other family-oriented holidays, so it is important to prepare your gym the right way. Remember that holidays, no matter how unrelated they may seem, put people in a better mood, and are more accepting of deals and promotions.

The 7 Best Ideas to Transform Your Gym During the Halloween Season

  1. Decor


No one wants to ever be the odd one out, and members will start to question why your facility isn’t decorated. The joy and happiness of Halloween often stem back to childhood, of putting on a costume and going trick or treating. The best houses were the ones that got into the spirit and made their house as “spooky” as possible. Fake spider webs, pumpkins, witches, and other goblins and ghouls go a long way to entertaining prospects and current members alike. Even if you do not agree with decorations in a gym, most of your clientele will feel alienated and may not attend during this season.

  1. Costume Contests

Costume contests

It is a great start for you and your staff to wear costumes on this day. However, other than the novelty of seeing the team walk around in costume, the feeling will fade fast. To stand out, encourage your members to wear their costumes to the gym on Halloween as well. Although this may not seem like a great idea at first due to the nature of workouts, costume contests are extremely popular ways that incentivize people to attend and dress up.

The power of costume contests is that they can be incorporated into your current classes, and you can draw a winner as often as you’d like. This builds a sense of culture amongst your community, as your members may not have expected to have such a fun activity at their gym of all places. This also sets up an opportunity for referrals and social media posts, which will increase your brand recognition, retention, and sign-up rates.

  1. Halloween Themed Workouts

Halloween Themed Workouts

Halloween is an opportunity to become someone other than yourself, and your members can embrace this no different from other organizations. Halloween fitness workouts and challenges are extremely effective in encouraging members to start or participate in your current subscription and class environment. Set up Halloween challenges beforehand, such as a 30-day challenge on October first, so that Halloween day can be more of a rewarding experience and a time for celebration. Halloween workouts include pumpkin smashing, “spooky” skull crushers, “spider” squats, and your cardio classes could incorporate popular music such as Thriller and Monster Mash.

  1. Treats


Everyone on Halloween will expect treats – and the gym is no exception. Instead of making this a fun-filled day of candy and sugar, you can use this time to promote your club with merchandise and promotional bags and items. You may also have your own in-house juice bar or protein station, so thermos bottles, protein bars, and small smoothie shots would be great alternatives to candy. You can also use this time to encourage members to bring a friend to trick or treat, and then take the opportunity to offer them a trial of your gym at a later date.

  1. Halloween Movies

Halloween Movies

Your cardio section, free weight zone, and bodyweight training area are all large spaces that often already have a TV playing the news. If not, you could always roll out a TV cart to play classic Halloween or spooky movies, but be careful not to play any horror or psychological thrillers. This is a great way to entertain your members and promote awareness of the entire Halloween-themed aspect of your club.

  1. Halloween Music

Halloween Music

Although mentioned in the costume contest classes above, music is not just for cardio-intensive exercises. A large number of members may take their headphones or earbuds out during this time if your facility is playing classic Halloween hits. This is also good for your members that just like to come in and ignore what’s happening around them, as it will get them into the Halloween spirit and aware of all the activities and promotions your gym has to offer.

  1. Halloween Fitness Deals and Promotions

With everything mentioned above, such as referrals, classes, and handing out merchandise, Halloween is a time to give and receive. Pair these activities with deals, such as new member sign-up rates when guests come to trick or treat, and schedule live training or demo tours of your facility. Offer promotional pricing or free merchandise with sign-up and subscription extension. Don’t forget to have a proper gym management solution, one that can schedule your new members, re-target the interested leads, send out notifications and emails about upcoming classes and promotions, take payment, and coordinate staff on everything that is occurring. Spark Membership is the best-rated solution on the market.

Key Essentials of Sports Facilities Management

Key Essentials of Sports Facilities Management

Although the word “sports facility” is all-encompassing, it is both a general and specific term that needs to be addressed. Running a sports facility can include all general sports clubs or even a niche local club that caters to the surrounding demographic. No matter how your sports facility is structured, the way of managing the entire organization is consistent. In this article, we will explore the blueprint that comprises successful sports facilities management and the top 6 challenges that need to be addressed.

What Are the Top Challenges of Running a Sports Facility

What Are the Top Challenges of Running a Sports Facility

It may be easy to get lost in the day-to-day operational nature of your business, but successfully managing your sports facility comprises many things, both from a macro and micro perspective. It can definitely be challenging to maintain a standard of excellence, especially without a proper template or management software. Even with that being said, it is very rewarding to have a business that runs itself and does well for your top line.

Let’s go over the top six challenges below:

  • Managing programs: This includes both member-focused programs, and employee incentives
  • Regulating costs: Ensure that your bottom line is not being cluttered with unnecessary expenses
  • Maintaining inventory: Create standardized and organized methods of stocking so that you are never without inventory, and never in too much surplus
  • Optimizing communication: Member communication, employee communication, marketing, and suppliers all must have a proper channel to communicate clearly and timely
  • Time management: The crux of the SMART method is time, a resource that is fleeting and much more valuable than capital
  • Increasing operational efficiency: When a solid plan is in place, continuously monitor and optimize for the best results

Framework for Effective Sports Facilities Management

  1. Structure your programs

Structure your programs

This starts with understanding your target customer and their needs and pain points. First, you must figure out who you are catering to, as a blanket approach is not only extremely expensive but reduces the effectiveness of your communication and targeted marketing. Your programs will contribute to the building of your brand, as offering core services in your sports facility will comprise the culture that you are fostering.

When structuring your programs, it is not enough to simply build the program. Introducing a tiered system for athletes of different skill levels and ages is a popular way to offer a complete service to the potential customers in your community. This should be paired with a seamless booking system that also connects to an interactive calendar. Don’t forget to add promotions and referral systems to these programs to add more awareness and create buzz around your brand.

Read the related blog: Why Regular Staff Evaluations are Crucial for Martial Arts School Success

  1. Plan your budget

Plan your budget

Your facility may need state-of-the-art athlete training programs and equipment, or it may just function as an after-school camp that is only for young children. Including these two models, and everything in between, allocating your capital is one of the most important functions you can carry out as an effective manager. When first creating your business plan and conducting market research, determine your ideal customer, their income level, and what they are willing to pay in both membership fees as well as private coaching and group sessions. From this, you can determine the level of your sports facility, purchase the correct equipment to do so, as well as build an effective team.

  1. Optimize your space

Optimize your space

Even for a large facility, wasting space is a simple, but quick, win for your business to introduce revenue streams. For example, offering specialized amenities, such as squash courts and bocce courts are not able to be used for dual purposes, so more can be charged. However, gymnasiums, yoga rooms, and open training areas can be used for multiple purposes. You can use these spaces for team sports activities, such as basketball and soccer, or even for free weight and bodyweight training. If you ever find yourself short on clientele or owning too large of a facility, you can look into additional revenue streams such as renting out your space.

  1. Organize your staff, and empower them

Organize your staff, and empower them

Building an effective team is difficult, but extremely rewarding. Always start with the members that you have, and empower them. Find out their biggest pain points and address them. Empowered and happy staff will always bring happy customers and members. Offer great compensation, and incentives and always make sure their goals align with that of the organization. People don’t leave “bad” jobs, they leave bad management.

  1. Address your costs

Address your costs

If you find yourself generating much more revenue than your competitors, but somehow always short on cash flow, you may have an expense problem rather than needing to create extra revenue streams. When addressing your cost of goods, it is important to evaluate your business as a whole rather than to start cutting essentials. For example, businesses often look at their wages and marketing costs when first evaluating their businesses, but that may be the reason your business is successful. Commonly overlooked problems are rents, energy costs, overbuying stock, and the light bill. Sports facilities have an extremely high energy expenditure, for example, so look at powering down during warmer days and conducting classes outdoors.

Tie It All Together: Management Technology

Developments in technology have made it possible to run your sports facility while cutting the learning curve, as well as tying your entire operational structure together. Invoicing, bill payment, marketing, retargeting, communication channels, branding, scheduling, and many other activities are difficult to keep track of if they are done manually. An effective solution is to obtain sports management software that is custom-designed just for this reason. Spark Membership is the number 1 leading management software on the market, which lets you manage your sports facility in the comfort of your smartphone.

How To Hire A Personal Trainer – Best Practices

How To Hire A Personal Trainer – Best Practices

Best Ways to Hire an Effective Personal Trainer

Maybe you are at a point in your business where you are looking to expand your services, launching your business and needing your first personal trainer, or everything in between. Regardless, prior to hiring a personal trainer, your core services should be put in place. Equipment, memberships, schedules, and locations should already be established. If you’ve come to this point, and are ready to assist your members with more personal coaching on their goals, you will need a trainer that can take your gym to the next level. In this article, we explore best practices, what people look for in a personal trainer, and the top ten best interview questions.

Hiring a Personal Trainer and What to Look For

According to Jamie King, founder of the Fit approach, gym members are looking for a trainer that:

  • Is certified by the appropriate regulators
  • Has experience and a matching personality
  • Develops their program according to a tried and true philosophy
  • Has a great reputation for getting results
  • Tracks your progress and adjust as necessary

In a summary of the demographic study by labor board zippia, there are currently 133,181 personal trainers in America, with over half of those openings per year in the country. Due to the recent shift to remote work in the pandemic, there is high demand and a major shift to personal training as both online fitness and traditional gym training are growing. All this to say, there is no shortage of qualified candidates who have the experience you need to start booking clients.

 When looking to hire a personal trainer, the top 5 criteria of how to hire a personal trainer (other than proper certification!) you must consider are:

  • Culture

Personal trainers are humans first, and as such, can be hired both in-house, on contract, or on a freelance basis. Because of this, they rarely hide their personality. This is good news, as you can properly gauge their culture during the interview and probation period. If your gym caters to less experienced people, and has a generalized approach to fitness, with a staff that has a sunny disposition, you may not be looking for an aggressive and abrasive trainer that pushes people to their limit. Consider your brand and public image, and if this trainer can fit that mold.

  • Communication

This not only means communication with the client but also communication with management. A great personal trainer will update you on the fitness progress of their clients, their goals, and the adjustments and programs they have made to suit their client’s needs. In a front-facing role, a great communicator will reduce the chance of injury to their client when attempting or adjusting exercises. When communicating with the back-end, great communication ensures operational excellence.

  • Knowledge

Contrary to popular belief, a personal trainer must be extremely well-versed in biology, Kinesiology, and other related disciplines. They must know the parts of the body and how certain exercises will affect a client, and if there are others that are more effective. Furthermore, they must have a wide breadth of knowledge on various workouts to suit their client’s needs.

  • Experience with critical situations

It is no secret that the health and fitness industry poses certain inherent risks, such as injury and medical conditions. Not everyone that the personal trainer will be working with will fit the narrative of a young and otherwise healthy person who is looking to lose weight. Personal trainers receive many clients that are looking to reinforce recurring injuries or to lessen the effect of a medical condition.

  • Etiquette

A personal trainer is not the typical employee, they are akin to an account manager. This means that although they may be working for the gym, the clientele works directly with the trainer. On top of communication and proper negotiation techniques, a personal trainer must be trained in customer service and etiquette. There is a certain decorum when working in a position of authority, and professionalism needs to be adhered to in terms of scheduling, communication, and polite/professional behavior.

Top Ten Interview Questions on How to Hire a Personal Trainer

Top Ten Interview Questions on How to Hire a Personal Trainer

Now that we’ve taken a look at what clients want, and the standard your trainer should be held to, we will translate these qualifying questions into a professional interview that will help to shine a light on whether the trainer is a great fit or not. You will need someone very intrapreneurial and who has a proactive spirit in growing their client base so that you can maximize profits and satisfaction but also comply with the rules established by the gym and report progress. This is where having gym management software is important, as it will assist in the hiring process, but also build out your platform for scheduling, payment, staff management, marketing, communication, and much more. Spark Membership is the best on the market. try it now for just $1.

1. With the many clubs to choose from, what attracted you to apply to be a Personal Trainer at my Gym?

2. What was the motivating factor to becoming a personal trainer? Were you initially taking personal training as a gym member?

3. Tell me about your coaching style, and the types of clients you have worked with.

4. Are you ACE, NASM or NSCA certified? What other certifications or classes have you taken that you feel are relevant?

5. Tell me about a time you were dealing with a difficult client. How did you resolve it?

6. How do you stay current with industry trends?

7. Tell me about your proactive marketing. What is your plan on building a client base at my club? Do you already have a following?

8. If a client has an injury or medical condition, but insists that they would like to perform a high-risk workout, how would you handle this situation?

9. Tell me about a time a program had to be changed, why did it need to be changed and how did you do it?

10. Do you have any questions about management, clientele, or my studio in general?