How It Works

The New Martial Arts School Website + Automated Follow Up Machine. Out-Performing Everything. For Half the Cost.

9 out of 10 schools see a boost in leads, trials, and appointments with Spark Ignite. But it’s not just a website. It’s Smart Automated Emails & Texts, Ready-to-Go Ad Campaigns, and More.



Plus: We worked with many of the Top 1% revenue generating schools in the world. We uncovered their secrets, and turned them into (mostly) automated systems in our Rapid Growth Tools Library.



Unlock all of it, and start growing today, with Spark Ignite

Marketing, At Your Fingertips

Don’t leave another dollar on the table because you’re not running the right campaigns.Ignite makes it easy to dominate your area with new ads, emails, and SMS campaigns – every single month.

365 Days/Year of Done-for-You Social Media Content

This content, backed by market research and a lot of testing, resonates with your market. It positions you as an authority, a community, and a friend.

The Birthday RSVP Machine

Generate a landing page for a birthday in seconds. Send parents the link. They either manually add guests, or send guests the link themselves.

Free Up Your Time

Run Your Whole School in One Place
With Spark’s Smart Dashboard

See billing, revenue
& metrics for a clear snapshot of performance and growth.

Track leads, trials & memberships to boost active student numbers.

Manage everything in one place: contacts, email history, tasks, projects and more.

Simplify appointment management with
a live calendar.

Jumping between software and browser tabs to run your school?
That’s no way to run an efficient business. Spark lets you easily manage every part of your school
all in one place, saving you time and giving you a complete picture day-to-day.

Make Your Business Hum
with the Spark Member App

Manage your school from your smartphone and create deeper connections with your members
with the free Spark Member App. Available on iPhone or Android.

And so much more…

Need Social Media & Community Marketing For Your Business?

Effortlessly manage your member-based business, attract more members, and increase revenue with this all-in-one software solution.