Providing value to the community is the key to getting more money. That kind of value far outweighs the money.
To maximize making money we have to create value. You have to understand why your students are in your school, you have to find out their why and create a value from it and bring it to them.
By uncovering the why you need to ask them questions. By asking the question of “why” it shows that you care, the emotion of care establishes relationships.
Once you know that “why” that will be your sole purpose to create value… “why they are here, why they want to take martial arts, what’s the purpose of you taking martial arts, what’s the benefit are you looking for?”
When you create value based on their why’s, it will show you care for them and it’ll establish relationships. Once you fulfill it on an emotional level then they will obligate you to the commitment that you are asking them for.
There are certain pain triggers that tie to people’s emotions and once you understand their pain points, then you can start working towards helping them fulfill their pain and relieve that.
In this sense, money becomes secondary, to them, the fulfillment is so important that they’ll find the money that you ask them in your program.
Once you understand and peel what got them from there then it becomes powerful.
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Read one of our blogs: How to Start a Fitness Brand