If you are a gym owner, you know you need to have liability waivers in place for your members. But do you know what they should say? What if there is an accident? This blog post will answer all of your questions about liability waivers for gyms and how to create a liability waiver for gym use!
What is a gym liability waiver?

A gym liability waiver is a document that releases the gym from liability in the event of an injury. The waiver typically includes language that indemnifies the gym against any claims arising from the use of its facilities or equipment. Sometimes, the waiver may also include a release of liability for personal trainers or instructors.
💡Negligence is the most common gym lawsuit reason. A liability waiver prevents lawsuits. By signing the waiver, a member agrees not to sue you for negligence if they are injured at your gym if they were given written notice of possible risks.
Why do you need a liability waiver for gym use?

Before a client can use the equipment at most gyms, he must sign a liability waiver. This may seem like an unnecessary formality, but there are actually several good reasons for this requirement.
First, signing a waiver helps to protect the gym from lawsuits. If a client is injured while using the equipment, he may be tempted to sue the gym in order to recover damages. However, if he has signed a waiver, the gym will be able to point to this document in court and argue that they are not liable for your injuries.
In addition, signing a waiver also protects the client from being held responsible for any damage that he may cause to the equipment. If he accidentally drops a dumbbell on a weight machine and breaks it, he may not be held liable for the cost of repairs if he has signed a waiver.
Overall, liability waivers exist to protect both gyms and their customers from potential legal problems. So, if you are a gym owner, it is important to have liability waivers for your clients.
Who should sign a gym liability waiver form?

So, who should sign a gym liability waiver form? In short, anyone who plans to use the gym regularly. This includes not only members but also guests and employees.
By signing a waiver, individuals essentially agree to hold the gym harmless in the event of an accident or injury. This can be a valuable protection for gyms, especially in today’s litigious society.
Of course, it’s important to make sure that waiver forms are clear and concise, so that there is no misunderstanding about what individuals are agreeing to. But for anyone who uses the gym regularly, signing a liability waiver is a good way to help protect the gym in the event of an accident or injury.
What happens if people don’t sign a liability waiver for gym use?

If gym owners don’t require their patrons to sign a liability waiver, they open themselves up to a lot of potential legal problems. Without a waiver, gym owners can be held liable for any injuries that occur on their premises, regardless of whether they were caused by negligence on the part of the gym owner.
This means that if someone slips and falls in the gym, the gym owner could be held responsible. In addition, if someone is injured while using gym equipment, the gym owner could also be held liable.
As a result, it’s important for gym owners to require their patrons to sign a liability waiver in order to protect themselves from potential legal trouble.
💡A gym liability waiver is needed in case of an accident or injury. Most gyms include a release of liability form for new customers, but you should revisit it to verify you’re covered.
How to create your own liability waiver for gym use?
Creating your own liability waiver can be simple as long as you include all the necessary information. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to create a basic liability waiver for your gym.
Decide what kind of liability waiver for gym use you need

There are two main types of waivers: general and specific. A general waiver covers all activities at the gym, while a specific waiver covers only certain activities or the use of certain equipment. If you are only looking to have one waiver for everything, then a general waiver will suffice. If you want different waivers for different activities, then you will need to create a specific waiver for each activity.
Choose what format you want the liability waiver for gym use to be in

A liability waiver can be electronic or paper. If you choose electronic, then you will need to have a way for people to sign it electronically, such as by email or through an online form. If you choose paper, then you will need to have people sign it in person when they come into the gym.
💡Electronic waiver software lets users build digital forms and liability waivers that clients may sign on most devices. The data is saved in a secure online database.
Include all the relevant information in the liability waiver for gym use

No matter what format you choose, there are some key pieces of information that must be included in the waiver. This includes the:
- Name and contact information of the gym
- Names of the people who will sign the waiver
- Date of when the waiver was signed
- Statement that says the signer understands that there may be risks involved in engaging in activities at the gym and that they waive their right to sue in case of injury
These are the 3 steps you should take when creating a liability waiver for gym use. By taking these steps, you can help protect your gym from potential legal problems.
Liability waiver for gym use – template
I understand that the training, programs, and events held by [Gym Name] may put me at risk for accidents, injury, illness, or death. I understand that there are risks inherent in any physical activity, including but not limited to falls and injuries sustained as a result of contact with other participants. I assume all responsibility for such risks.
I understand it is my responsibility to communicate any physical or psychological concerns that may prevent me from taking part in an activity. I confirm I am physically and mentally able to perform every chosen activity.
As I have read this waiver and acknowledge these facts, in exchange for the services that [Gym Name] will provide me during my participation, I agree to waive any responsibility or liability from [Gym Name], its officers, employees, agents, representatives, organizers. This includes anyone entitled to act on my behalf arising out of my involvement in the training programs and/or events at [Gym Name].
I have read and understood this Waiver of Liability. I am aware that by agreeing to its terms; I waive any legal claims which might arise from my participation.
Participant’s Name: [Participant’s Name]
Participant’s Signature: [Participant’s Signature]
Date: [Date]
In case of emergency, contact: [Participant’s Contact Name]
Phone: [Phone Number]
NOTE: This is just a template and should not be used as is. Be sure to tailor it to fit your own needs and gym. Make sure to take an attorney’s advice before finalizing any liability waiver.
How to make sure your gym liability waiver is effective and legally binding?
If you are a gym owner, it is important to have a liability waiver for gym use that is effective. Therefore, you need to:
Keep it up to date

Review your waiver regularly and update it as needed to make sure it covers all the activities offered at your gym and that it reflects any changes in the law. You should also update your waiver if you change your policies or procedures, such as adding a new class or changing the way you handle personal belongings.
Get it in writing

Make sure your waiver is in writing and that each member signs it before participating in any activities at the gym. If you have an online waiver, be sure that each member agrees to it before they may take part in any activities.
Be clear and concise

Use simple language that can be understood by everyone, and be sure to list all the activities covered by the waiver. If there are any exclusions or limitations, be sure to list them as well.
Have it reviewed by an attorney

Have an attorney review your waiver to make sure it meets all legal requirements and that it will hold up in court if necessary.
Keep copies on file

Be sure to keep copies of all signed waivers on file, either electronically or in hard copy form, and keep them easily accessible in case you need them for any reason.
By following these tips, you can help ensure that your liability waiver for gym use is effective and legally binding.
Things to consider when drafting your own liability waiver for gym use
Gym owners and operators should take care to draft liability waivers that are clear, concise, and cover all potential risks associated with gym use. Here are three things to consider when drafting your own waiver for gym use.
The liability waiver must cover all potential risks associated with gym use

The waiver should cover all potential risks associated with gym use, including but not limited to slips, trips, and falls; injuries sustained while using equipment; and injuries sustained while participating in activities.
The liability waiver must be dated and signed by the member

The waiver should be dated and signed by the member to confirm that they have read and understood the terms of the agreement. Also, the date of signing should be included in the document to ensure that it is valid and up-to-date.
The liability waiver must be made available to members prior to their first visit

The waiver should be made available to members prior to their first visit so that they have ample time to read and understand the terms of the agreement. Gym staff should be prepared to answer questions that members may have about the waiver prior to their visit.
Are there any specific clauses that you should include in your liability waiver for gym use?
There are a few specific clauses that you should include in your waiver form to help protect yourself from potential lawsuits or accidents at your facility.
Assumption of risk

This clause essentially states that the client is aware of the risks involved in participating in activities at the gym, and that they assume all responsibility for any injuries that may occur.
Release of liability
This clause releases the gym from any liability in the event that the client is injured while participating in activities at the gym.
This clause states the client agrees to indemnify the gym (meaning, to reimburse them) for any costs incurred because of any injuries that occur while participating in activities at the gym.
Choice of law/jurisdiction

This clause specifies which state’s laws will govern any disputes that may arise between the client and the gym, and also specifies which state courts will have jurisdiction over those disputes.
This clause states that if any part of the waiver form is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the form will still be valid and enforceable.
Entire agreement
This clause states the waiver form constitutes the entire agreement between the client and the gym, and that it supersedes any prior agreements between them.
This clause states the waiver form can only be amended by a written agreement between the client and the gym.
Waiver of jury trial
This clause states both parties agree to waive their right to a jury trial if any disputes should arise between them.
This clause states this waiver form expresses the complete understanding of both parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings (whether oral or written) between them regarding its subject matter.
Notice of dispute
This clause requires that before either party files a lawsuit against the other, they must first provide written notice detailing their dispute and allow 30 days for resolution. If after 30 days no resolution has been reached, then either party may file suit against the other without further notice being required.
Signature / acceptance

Finally, this clause simply requires both parties to sign (or electronically accept) the liability waiver form for gym use before it becomes effective.
As you can see, there are several important clauses that you should include in your liability waiver for gym use in order to protect yourself from potential lawsuits or accidents at your facility. By taking care to include these clauses, you can help ensure that you’re covered in case anything goes wrong.
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