If you do this it can make a difference in your school.
The aesthetics of your school.
When the parent walks into your school and sees your school they will have a predetermined notion and it is affected by the subconscious mind.
It is the smell, sight, and sounds. These three essences give the potential lead and prospects a predetermined thought of your school.
One of the things I always make sure of is the smell of my school.
Some schools probably stink, and I challenge you to invite a friend or someone you know that has never been to your academy and ask them to be honest with you and have them feel your school and how does it smell – gym odor, sweat odor, or foot odor.
If they say yes, go to Amazon and order an air ozone ionizer – it is a little machine that shoots negative ions to the air that destroys odor bacteria.
Next, the sight. Does your school have better lighting, does it shine like the sun in your school or does it have a feel of gloominess and darkness.
Lastly, the sound. What are they hearing? Do they hear crickets or pleasant background music?
You need to have a sense of change in your school.
We have one particular wall in our headquarters that we dedicate to paint it black and every several months we will put a one-word and want the students to be inspired by it.
For example the word “grit” and what it means and a completely different world in the next several months.
This will create an impact and emotion on your school.
A lot of the schools in the area stink.
This will separate your school from the rest of the schools in your town – make your school beautiful.
Read one of our blogs: 20 Yoga Challenges You Can Run in Your Studio
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