Archives for November 15, 2022

16 Insanely Effective HIIT Workouts To Try On Your Gym!

16 Insanely Effective HIIT Workouts To Try On Your Gym!

Are you looking for a way to spice up your gym routine? If so, then you should try HIIT workouts. HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a great way to get in shape fast. In this blog post, we will discuss 17 different HIIT workout ideas that you can try at the gym. Plus, if you are a gym owner, this article will give your ideas on HIIT workouts you can suggest people to try on your gym. We will also provide instructions on how to perform each workout. 

HIIT Workout Ideas for Beginners to Offer or Try On Your Gym!

Hiit Workout Ideas for Beginners to Offer or Try On Your Gym

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a type of workout that alternates between short bursts of intense activity and periods of rest. Also, HIIT can be done with any type of exercise, but it is especially effective when done with cardiovascular activities such as running, biking, or rowing.

HIIT workouts are perfect for beginners because they can be customized to any fitness level. The intensity of the intervals can be adjusted to accommodate beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels, and the duration of the intervals can also be varied. For example, a beginner might do 30 seconds of sprinting followed by 60 seconds of walking, while an advanced HIIT workout might involve two minutes of sprinting followed by one minute of rest.

HIIT workouts are also very efficient; because they alternate between periods of high and low intensity, they help you burn more calories in a shortened amount of time than you would if you were doing a traditional workout at a steady pace.

💡It is believed that HIIT workouts can help you burn up to 50% more calories than a traditional workout! 

  1. Perfect 10s

Perfect 10s

This HIIT workout is perfect for beginners because it is relatively short and can be done with any type of exercise. To do this workout, simply choose an exercise (running, biking, rowing, etc.) and do it at your maximum effort for 10 seconds. Then rest for 10 seconds and repeat 9 more times. 

  1. Stair Challenge

Stair Challenge

This HIIT workout can be done with any set of stairs—outdoors or indoors—and is a great way to get your heart rate up quickly. To do this workout, start by walking up the stairs at a moderate pace for 30 seconds. Then run up the stairs for 30 seconds and walk back down at a moderate pace for 30 seconds. Repeat this cycle 5 times. 

  1. Battle Charge

Battle Charge

This HIIT workout is perfect for people who are looking for a little extra motivation! To do this workout, you need to try the battle rope for 15 seconds, do a kettlebell swing 15 times, move on with a prowler push or sled drag for 15 seconds, and then finish with 12 repeats of renegade pushups. Repeat this cycle 4 times and rest for 90 seconds after every cycle.

  1. Kettlebell Quickie

Kettlebell Quickie

This HIIT workout is perfect for individuals who want to use kettlebells in their HIIT workout. To do this workout, start by doing kettlebell swings for 30 seconds. Then do a kettlebell deadlift to high pull for 40 seconds and burpee for 20 seconds. Repeat this cycle 3 times.

  1. Having a Ball

Having a Ball

This HIIT workout is perfect for people who want to use an exercise ball in their HIIT workout. To do this workout, start by doing a double kettlebell swing, thruster, clean and a dynamax medicine ball slam. Conduct every exercise for 25 seconds and repeat the cycle 5 times. 

  1. Figure Fours

Figure Fours

The entire time of this HIIT workout is 16 minutes. This is one of the best HIIT workout ideas for beginners to try on the gym. To do this workout, start with 30 seconds of the following exercises: rope slam with jump squat, rope circle, rope wave with side lunge and rope wave from kneeling to standing. Repeat the cycle for 16 minutes.

  1. AMRAP Alert


This HIIT workout is an as many rounds as possible workout in 20 minutes. To do this workout, start with the following exercises: 10 kettlebell front squats for 10 seconds, situps for 20 seconds, and then 10 kettlebell push presses for 30 seconds. Repeat the cycle for 20 minutes. 

  1. Rowing Ladder

Rowing Ladder

This workout lasts for 10 minutes and comprises one type of exercise in repeat, hard strokes 10 times or for 25 seconds, moving your body for one minute, 11 hard strokes for 27 seconds, rest for the next minute, and 12 hard strokes for 30 seconds. Repeat the process for 10 minutes.

  1. Treadmill Sprints

Treadmill Sprints

This HIIT workout is splendid for people who want to use a treadmill in their HIIT workout and it is an ideal idea for beginners to try on your gym, as it is an easier HIIT workout. To do this workout, start by walking on the treadmill at a moderate pace for two minutes. Then increase the speed to a sprint for 30 seconds and then walk for two minutes. Repeat this cycle 5 times. 

HIIT workout is perfect for people who are looking for a challenging, yet fun workout. With these HIIT workout ideas, you can offer beginners a great workout on your gym that will help them burn calories, build muscle, and improve their cardiovascular health.

Hiit Workout Ideas for Advanced Weight Loss to Offer or Try On Your Gym!

If you’re looking for a workout that will help you or your clients lose weight quickly and effectively, look no further than HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for advanced classes. These workouts are incredibly effective for weight loss because they help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. 

💡 HIIT workouts are also great for people who don’t have a lot of time to work out. You can easily fit a HIIT workout into your busy schedule by doing it in the morning before work or in the evening after dinner. 

There are a variety of different advanced HIIT workout ideas that you can do or offer on your gym, so there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for you or your client. Here are 8 HIIT workout ideas for weight loss that you can try on your gym: 

  1. Full-body Boot Camp

Full-body Boot Camp

This workout is perfect for people who demand to lose weight quickly. It combines strength training with cardio to help you burn more calories and fat. Lasting 20 to 35 minutes, this workout is perfect for people who are short on time. It includes bicycle abs, mountain climber, lateral step-ups, triceps dips, dynamic planks, high knees, and reverse lunges. Conduct each exercise for 30 seconds and repeat the entire circuit 3 to 5 times, or 35 minutes. 

  1. Body-weight Fat Blaster

Body-weight Fat Blaster

This workout uses body-weight exercises to help you burn fat and build muscle. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a challenging workout. For 30 minutes, you will do pushups, squat thrusters, burpee with jumping jacks, triceps dips, alternating lunges, and mountains climbers. Do each exercise for 20 seconds and repeat the entire circuit 3 to 5 times or 30 minutes. 

Express Hiit Is One of the Most Effective Workout Ideas to Try On Your Gym

This is a great workout for people who are really short on time, as you need only 12 minutes for this. It’s a quick, high-intensity workout that will help you burn calories and fat. Start by pushups and squat jumps and then conduct weighted crunches and burpees. Repeat each exercise for 55 seconds, rest 15 seconds, and repeat the cycle.

  1. HIIT From Hell

HIIT From Hell

This workout is not for the faint of heart! It’s a very challenging, high-intensity interval training workout that will help you see results quickly. Lasting 25 minutes, it included the following exercises: pullups, power split lunges, kettlebell single-hand snatches, planche pushups, tuck jumps, and battle-rope quick waves. Repeat each move for 1 minute and the complete exercise cycle for 25 minutes.

  1. Whole-body HIIT

Whole-body HIIT

This workout targets your entire body, helping you burn more calories and fat. It’s perfect for people who want an all-over workout and it lasts between 50 to 55 minutes. Dedicate 5 minutes to warm up and then move on with rows, battle rope squats with waves, kettlebell figure eights, kettlebell swings, body weight plyo pushups, goblet squats, battle rope diagonal pulls, TRX atomic pushups and kettlebell forward lunges. Repeat each exercise for 50 seconds.

  1. Great Glutes

Great Glutes

This workout is specifically designed to target your glutes (buttocks). It will help you tone and sculpt your glutes while also burning calories and fat. This HIIT workout is one of the ideal someone can try on a gym for 15 minutes. For 30 seconds, you need to follow each one of the moves: jump squats, glute bridges, deep barbell back squats, step-ups on plyo box, glute kickbacks and push walks on a treadmill. Rest for 15 seconds after each move.

  1. Crazy 8s

Hiit Workout Ideas for Beginners to Offer or Try On Your Gym

This is another great option if you’re looking for HIIT workout ideas to try on your gym. It’s perfect for people who want to lose weight quickly and each session lasts 50 minutes. Start with wide-stance squat jumps with a weighted medicine ball, and proceed with pullups, bench dips, squat thrusts with pushups on bosu, lateral bench jump overs, step-ups, mountain climbers with hands on bosu and diamond jumps. Repeat each move 8 times.

  1. After-burn Series

After-burn Series

This series of workouts is designed to help you burn more calories after your workout is finished. The after-burn effect will help you continue to burn calories and fat even after you’ve left the gym! The workouts vary in length, but they are all HIIT workouts that you can try on your gym. These include doing treadmill and rower exercises, battle ropes, jump ropes, and star jump squats for 1 minute or 10 repeats each.

Last Thoughts on Hiit Workout Ideas to Try On Your Gym

Either you are a beginner or an advanced HIIT workout enthusiast, there are plenty of HIIT workout ideas to try on your gym. No matter what your fitness goals are, HIIT workouts can help you achieve them. 

HIIT workouts are a great way to burn calories, lose weight and get in shape quickly. They are also very versatile, so you can find HIIT workouts to target any area of your body. HIIT workouts are also perfect for people who are short on time, as some of them can be done in as little as 12 minutes.

So, what are you waiting for? Give HIIT a try today and see the results for yourself!

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