Archives for June 21, 2022

How Much Do You Enforce and Reinforce?

challenging stage How Much Do You Enforce and Reinforce

Success is the least important thing.

You and what you have become, the individual you have to carve yourself to be that success you are dreaming about.

The character traits that go along with it – the focus, the discipline, the consistency, the indomitable spirit, the willingness to get up 1000x times if you fail a hundred times. 

We don’t believe in forcing people into what they don’t want to do but we have to discipline ourselves and force, reinforced, and enforced what’s in our best interest. That is one of the most challenging stages of being a successful person.

That is one of the most challenging stages of being a successful person.

It is not codependency, the latest technology is not the answer but the core values that lie within yourself. 

Discover it, find it and become successful. 

Read one of our blogs: Increase Attendance at Your Martial Arts School With Martial Arts Lesson Plans

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

Tips on Increasing Your Child’s Attention Span

Increasing Your Child's Attention Span

The ability to pay attention to one thing for a long period of time. 

The biggest challenge facing and making it difficult to stay focused is the screen. 

Not just one screen, at least half a dozen of screens. 

Imagine half a dozen of screens our children are looking at – laptops, iPad, phones just to name a few.

And each screen is fighting for our children’s attention, not to mention a young child’s mind their attention span is already short to begin with, meaning the screens if they don’t capture the attention of our child, the kids move on.

Children are pleasure seekers, so this behavior with the screen is naturally building a lack of focus and attention span.

How do we help our children develop the mindset of staying focused for a long period of time?

We have to expose them to a thought process action, something that they can visually see, pay attention to, a process in their mind, then physically they can take action.

That process has been done repeatedly, it has been done where they’re progressing towards progress just by getting their attention span and getting their minds to focus on what they can do physically and when they are able to do it or they become better over time it makes them feel good because it’s a sense of accomplishment.

That is the core foundation of building a strong character. 

Read one of our blogs: The Ultimate Guide to Starting a BJJ Business

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

The Spark Success System

This is a pattern that has been happening to school owners that are resulting in massive success – school owners that are doubling their income. 

Success is multiple ingredients bringing it all together. 

If you are a school owner who is still standing today there’s no reason why you should be thriving, but in order to thrive we have to understand the certain tools that we need:

  1. Technology

You have to have high functioning CRM (Customer Relationship Management), it will make your life easier. 

  1. Digital marketing

As a business owner, you need to understand the algorithms. It requires a certain level of knowledge of how to do digital marketing. Because of the pandemic, the traffic in the online space has exploded and as a business owner you have to hold a huge banner to spread awareness about martial arts, and it requires expertise.

  1. Website and marketing (email & SMS) campaign

At SPARK we use the SPARK IGNITE, which creates a lead-generating website. And when leads visit your website and social media pages SPARK IGNITES help retarget the lead by offering them the following 8 stages: freebie, send them an appointment, show up, enroll in the school, we want them to attend, if they attended we ask them for referral and lastly upgrade. 

These stages require different content. You want to maintain the relationship with your leads through technology such as SPARK Software.

You have to understand that you need these tools in your school to reach your school’s potential. I hope you find this useful and use it to your advantage.

Read one of our blogs: 9 CrossFit Kids Game Ideas

Staff Management Mindset

martial arts school staff management

One of the most important areas, in order to be a successful entrepreneur, is staff management. 

Staff management is the essence of having a successful Martial arts school, without having a staff we cannot have hundreds of students.

One of the natural tendencies that martial arts school owners do is critical thinking.

Critical thinking gives the ability to analyze and see areas of improvement that are needed.

It’s mostly done by the business owner, but one of the most important things you have to be very careful about is not taking critical thinking into criticism delivery because how we able to see things from a critical point of view – analyzing performance, analyzing key weaknesses are not the ways that your staff sometimes thinks. 

In your staff’s eyes, they are doing their very best, and sometimes when we deliver our critical thinking it can be taken as criticism. 

It is one of the most powerful things we have to do as leaders and as school owners. Our critical thinking allows us to consistently focus on our weaknesses and strengthen them. But we have to gather that strength with our team members because sometimes lifting the heavyweight is impossible to do with one person. 

Read one of our blogs: How To Properly Manage Your Fitness Facility

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

One of the Most Important Things in Running Multiple Companies

One of the most important traits of being an entrepreneur is the essence of expanding your purpose. 

As a martial artist, we are a very passionate and driven industry, and that passion comes from the core and within yourselves. 

Letting go is one of the most important attributes you have to develop as an entrepreneur, it is something that we struggle with because in our minds we have a certain way we do things and it is also an entrepreneur’s control trait.

If you don’t control this attribute about yourself you are going to run into constant challenges, especially in expansion. 

Learn to let go, learn to accept the fact that nobody is going to do it the way you want, how you want it to your level of the definitive term of perfection. 

Once you start letting go, basically you are giving the responsibility that you are doing and you feel like it should be done in a certain way, it’s going to drive you nuts when you start letting go and giving it to another person to do, and when you see that they’re not doing it in the level that you want to what happens is you’re constantly micromanaging which is one of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs do. 

You have to accept that nobody is going to do the same level you want it and they’re going to make mistakes. They have to make a mistake since it’s a part of growing.

Sometimes it’s going to take a lot of patience and not losing your temper.

If you don’t let go of your responsibilities and learn to hand them to your team members, you’re only going to hurt your ability to expand as an entrepreneur.

Read one of our blogs: Best Tips On Running Self-Defense Schools

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

A Talk You Must Have With Every Parent in Your School About Black Belt

Let’s talk about GRIT, the tenacity, and the ability to persevere. 

We as parents work so hard to provide for our children and the most important thing that we must provide for or children are to ensure their success as an adult.

How is it done? 

The way how we instill character. One of the most important things we have to focus on is teaching our children tenacity. The only way through that is grit. 

Now, how do we instill the value, in every opportunity that you get when your child starts something and they fall into the gap which is wanting to quit or no longer interested? If it’s not completed, it is your job and responsibility to make sure they finish.

What makes the biggest difference is YOU. Your own grit, tenacity, and character will be put to test. 

We are directly tied to our children’s well-being, as a parent, it’s in our nature to provide for our children emotionally and physically. So, when they are stressed out or no longer want something, it’s our natural instinct to relieve that pain.

This is something that we have to realize as parents and put our will to the test which is the most difficult thing to do – to force our children, but we have to enforce what’s in their best interest. 

It will be an emotional fight, it will impact your feelings because the most difficult and painful thing to see is the pain of our child. But, you have to get mentally focused on what’s in their best interest and emotionally not get involved to a point where you make a decision on your emotions. 

This is one of the most common things we see here at parks because, in the beginning, everything’s great especially when our children are having a great time, they’re getting progress, they’re getting their belts and they see the possibility of them becoming a black belt, they want to be like their instructors then the excitement wears off, then sooner or later the child realizes that what they thought is becoming difficult and challenging. 

This is when you as a parent have to really fight your own weaknesses, to help your child overcome the setback they are experiencing. The parents that stay focused, and determined their children will succeed. 

Because it’s a reflection of their character, willpower, and enforcement of what’s in their child’s best interest. 

If we constantly relieve the pressure, and pain subconsciously we are letting them know that rescue will always be there. They have to tough it out on their own. The sooner we teach them this value, the higher chances they will have of becoming a successful human beings. 

Read one of our blogs: The Best Karate Marketing Ideas To Increase Reach And Conversion

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

A Reminder You Should Keep In Mind As A Martial Arts Leader


A powerful reminder that you need to keep in mind as a martial arts leader.

This reminder is constantly being in the mindset and the awareness of ‘WHY’.

The why of people around you and your school.

The why is a powerful motivation for people to take action and the most important ‘why’ that you need to stay focused on is pain.

Every single one of your students has a reason why they are coming to your academy. 

The more you understand their pain and why, the better your job is serving them.

If you can go to their parents, you will know the deeper and find out their core detailed reason for what their children are experiencing.

If you constantly serving your students why you are the solution to the pain that they are experiencing, you will make a huge difference in their lives as a martial arts leader, that should be the main purpose of your academy. 

Therefore, I employ all of you to stay in that mindset – that you are there to serve and help them overcome the pain they are experiencing and that you are the solution that can empower them.

This is the sole purpose of a martial artist – you want to help your community in this way. 

As a Leader, You must Have a purpose-driven culture allows you to have a destination

Culture Is Having a Purpose-Driven Martial Arts Academy

I also want to remind you that you’re in the business of self-improvement and you’re using martial arts as a tool to instill the values. 

In order to do that, you need to stay in alignment with the pains they are experiencing and your academy is the solution. 

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

When A Parent Says My Child Doesn’t Want To Do It Anymore

“My child longer doesn’t want to do martial arts anymore.”

And for a lot of martial arts school owners, this is like an uppercut and would be asking “why”.

I encourage you to feel excited when that happens and tell the parents…

“I’m so happy that you are here and most importantly I’m happier and excited that your child wants to quit.”

With that, the parents will give you a baffled reaction.

Then tell them this.

“Let me ask you a question, do you remember when you walk into our school and took a tour and you saw that big writing in the mirror we are a blackbelt school and your goal is to become a black belt. After the introduction, we shared our philosophy of the school and we mentioned in the beginning that the student will be evaluated in a short program to see if the student has what it takes to become a black belt apprentice and we asked your child about the importance of that commitment and the promise they have made for themselves.”

Explain to the parents that they’ll have a tremendous opportunity to really teach their child the importance of overcoming adversity and teach them to persevere, not quit, and stay forward. 

We have the opportunity to teach them that or just let them quit and think about what is in their best interest, but encourage the parents to not force them to do something they do not enjoy, but convince them if it’s in their best interest.

Tell the parents that when their child says that they want this, the next thing as a parent is to enforce what that means, the responsibility and the work that comes with it, and one day your children will look back one day and say thank you for not letting them quit.

That is one of the most important values that you will teach your child and we are your third-party allies to do this. 

Read one of our blogs: How To Open A Dance Studio?

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.

Here’s Some Advice on How to Get More Tuition

The underpaid is the fault of our industry, we need to start changing our mindset.

Our mindset from a business point of view is still behind many industries and it’s disheartening because as martial artists we make a priceless impact. 

How much price tag can we put on increasing a child’s confidence. Imagine this, you have made an impact on a child who had self-esteem issues and knew the answer to the teacher who is asking but is very shy to raise his or her hands. 

Now, this child can make eye contact, raise their hand and answer the teacher’s questions.

It’s extremely powerful knowing you made that change for this child. 

What is the price tag of that to the parent?

The parent would pay thousands of dollars just to see their child more confident and focus.

You need to understand and get on this mindset not being compensated on that level.

If you want to live passionately teaching martial arts, that passion also deserves a lifestyle and we are undercutting ourselves and not being compensated because of that thought process.

There is a scientific approach and a system to this approach and this can be done. 

Start changing your mindset – the first thing you do is to increase your tuition. 

35% of the martial arts school across the country have closed down, some of the schools have not been opened, and some don’t have a strong SOP and systems in place which eventually led them to close down.

If you’re still open and survive, there is no reason you cannot thrive. 

If you do what you have always done, you always get what you have always gotten. 

The only thing that will create an impact for you is when you make a change, you got to make a change. 

You know deep inside, you want to start better and have more students. 

One last piece of advice is that for this to be achievable, you need to have a powerful technology in place – by using modern-day technology specifically digital marketing. 

Start making the necessary changes for you to live the lifestyle you deserve as a martial artist.

How I Do This One Thing Consistently That Sets Our Schools Apart From Others in Town

If you do this it can make a difference in your school. 

The aesthetics of your school. 

When the parent walks into your school and sees your school they will have a predetermined notion and it is affected by the subconscious mind. 

It is the smell, sight, and sounds. These three essences give the potential lead and prospects a predetermined thought of your school.

One of the things I always make sure of is the smell of my school. 

Some schools probably stink, and I challenge you to invite a friend or someone you know that has never been to your academy and ask them to be honest with you and have them feel your school and how does it smell – gym odor, sweat odor, or foot odor. 

If they say yes, go to Amazon and order an air ozone ionizer – it is a little machine that shoots negative ions to the air that destroys odor bacteria. 

Next, the sight. Does your school have better lighting, does it shine like the sun in your school or does it have a feel of gloominess and darkness. 

Lastly, the sound. What are they hearing? Do they hear crickets or pleasant background music?

You need to have a sense of change in your school. 

We have one particular wall in our headquarters that we dedicate to paint it black and every several months we will put a one-word and want the students to be inspired by it. 

For example the word “grit” and what it means and a completely different world in the next several months.

This will create an impact and emotion on your school. 

A lot of the schools in the area stink. 

This will separate your school from the rest of the schools in your town – make your school beautiful. 

Read one of our blogs: 20 Yoga Challenges You Can Run in Your Studio

If you want to grow the members of your gym, spark membership offers you a great way to do it by helping you manage and run the gym better.